Flavors from Africa

Image Credit: Facebook/AUP Inspire Africa
The 'Inspire Africa' club launches with a celebration of African culture

On the main page of its website, AUP states that it has students from 108 different nationalities. Even with such diversity, according to Rokhaya Wade, vice president of the Inspire Africa club, "There are a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes about Africa that we hear every day." With the clear goal of dispelling these stereotypes, Rokhaya and the Inspire Africa's president — Gloria Atanga — have created, as Rokhaya puts it, "a space to discuss Africa from historical, political, economical and social perspectives, and to work to deconstruct negative perceptions and myths about Africa." On Friday October 6 at 18:45 in C-103, the club will celebrate its official launch with a free event that welcomes everyone to learn more about African culture through its food and music, as well as to discuss the club's future plans.

Image Credit: Facebook/AUP Inspire Africa

"What better way to share or introduce someone to African culture than through culinary delectation," Rokhaya Wade

The event will feature a variety of different food and music from various African cultures, including "fried chicken, brochettes saucisse-aloco and samoussas." Rokhaya says that for the club this will be "the first opportunity to gather, in a warm setting, to discuss who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do." If you want to learn more about Africa and aid the club in their hope "to educate AUP students about the realities of the continent and get them involved in relevant and inspiring events that will help pave the way for a change," come to the event. If you don't feel connected to the continent, listen to these welcoming words from Gloria:

"We invite each and everyone to come and discover a piece of him or herself in Africa"

Who: Everyone.

What: Food, music and discussion of follow-up events.

When: October 6, 2017, 18:45 - 20:00.

Where: C-103, Combes Building.

Why: Dispel myths, undo stereotypes and experience food from different cultures.

Written by Ofir Ben Dor

Born in Israel to two diplomats; which led to him spending three years in Latvia and another three in Britain. Currently pursuing a Major in Creative Writing and a Minor in Computer Science in the hopes to one day become either a video game designer or a screenwriter.