Recreating Images of Tyra Banks

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The AUP Fashion society recreated some iconic images of former Super Model Tyra Banks with it's Executive Editor Aalyiah Heath.

5 Things you probably didn't know about Aalyiah Heath & Tyra Banks:

First Time in Front of The Camera

Aalyiah Heath: "I have always been in front of the camera since I was young. My mom would always dress me up especially for school functions, and made me and my siblings take pictures. Before IPhone cameras were created we had the Kodak camera in which you had to get the film printed out. "

Tyra Bank's mother Caroline was a  medical photographer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab and began helping her put together a modeling portfolio when she was about fifteen years old.


Aalyiah: "I've been writing my entire life. It has always been one of my favorite creative outlets. Despite this, it wasn't until I got older that I came to know that this was my passion. I never like to define some things concretely but I know I want to work in the creative field: anywhere from journalism, fashion, modeling and creative director; I love it all!"

Tyra co-created a fashion and beauty website named “” with the help of Demand Media, which was launched in March 2011.

Native State

Aalyiah: Detroit, Michigan

Tyra: Inglewood, California

Tyra Banks | Vogue Spain July, 2008  Photographed By Gilles Bensimon

High School Girls

Aalyiah: "In high school, I was pretty much the same. I was always so outgoing and involved in extra curricular activities. I was the senior class president and prom queen, but I never was a 'mean girl'."

Tyra was a 'mean girl' in middle school. The leader of a clique, Tyra could "vote someone out" for the pettiest things and her friends listened to her commands. Yet in high school she was the one that was teased. Once she experienced a growth spurt, her peers made fun of her height. She now considers it to be one of the best things that happened to her, because it made her learn about kindness towards others.

Caring for others

Aalyiah: "I am a huge people person. Nothing gives me more joy than to see people be kind to each other. I created this initiative called the Make a Difference Movement (MAD Movement) which is for people to utilize their talents to uplift their community."

Tyra is the founder of Tzone program that helps African American young girls to develop life skills and leadership skills.


Written by Korinah Sodahlon

Korinah was born in Togo, Africa and at the age of three moved to New York. She is interested in media impact on individual and collective cultures. Korinah is completing her Masters in Global Communications with a focus in Visual and Material culture. Her interest in fashion dates back to high school, when she participated in the student run newspaper as the editor of the fashion section.