Rising Homelessness in Paris

Image Credit: Wikimedia/Ivaan Kotulsky
Practical things you can do to help homeless people in Paris.

The amount of people living on the street in Paris is alarming. Indeed, homelessness has increased by 84% between 2001 and 2012 in the capital, according to l'INSEE, France's national institute for statistics. While we all observe homelessness, we might have varying feelings. Seeing people sleeping rough or begging may make you feel uncomfortable, even useless. You might be wary, and wonder how these people came to be homeless. You might believe that the homeless are a part of the city landscape, or you might feel an urge to help, but not know where to start. Regardless of how you feel, it is important to remember that one life is never the same as another. The reasons that lead to people to homelessness differ, especially today with increasing numbers of refugees: the number of people sleeping on the street is rising.

So, what can you do to help? 

There are a wide range of charities for the homeless in Paris. If you wish to get involved, you can volunteer, or donate necessities such as clothing, shoes, food, hygiene products, and cleaning products. Check the website of your chosen charity and see what is the most needed. You can also donate money, as charities are always collecting funds.

Here are a list of a few charities in Paris:

L'Armée du Salut (the Salvation Army) is a charity supporting people experiencing exclusion.

Secularism and tolerance are the most important values of La Chorba.
The charity collects quality excess food from grocery stores and distributes more than 600 meals everyday. Last year, they served hot meals to 165 000 people.

The Red Cross is dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering life-changing services.

Les Restos du Cœur (restaurants of the heart) distribute hot meals to the needy. You may have seen them near to AUP; they are often on the Esplanade des Invalides. The charity targets the homeless and people with low income.

Le Samu Social de Paris is a municipal humanitarian emergency service, which provides medical care and food to homeless people on the streets, day and night. 

Le Secours populaire français considers that each person has the right to have all meals guaranteed. The charity also helps people to find housing and supports other projects.

Small gestures can slowly change the world. And, if you can't afford to volunteer or give money, don't look away; that person on the street is another human being. It’s always free to smile.

Written by Sara Hafi

Sara was born and raised in Paris in the 12th arrondissement. She has been a travel addict since a very young age. She currently studies communication and business at AUP. Her interests include psychology, music, cinema, adventures and, of course, travel.