Invader is Here

Image Credit: Zipporah Alcaraz
Invader takes over Musée en Herbe with his “Hello My Game is…” exhibition.

If you've walked around the Paris, you might have come across the graphics of the classic video game known as Space Invader. If you have and are wondering who the culprit is, it is none other than graffiti artist “Invader.” However, if you haven’t had the chance to come across his work, no need to fret because Invader has just teamed up with the Musée en Herbe for a mini takeover.

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always been fascinated by old vintage video games such as Pac-Man, Dig Dug, and Galaxian, but sometimes it’s hard to find a place to play them. After reading on Time Out that Invader’s “Hello My Game is…” exhibition had an installation of these games and art based on the graphics, I had to check it out. 

Image Credit: Facebook/Invader

As I walked towards the museum, my first impression from the outside was that it was small. Located on a street right behind the Louvre, the Musée en Herbe seemed to be a hole in the wall museum; I assumed there would be no one inside. However, to my dismay I was wrong. Once I entered the museum I was surrounded by swarms of children with their parents. Now please imagine what this was like in a museum with about four to five tiny rooms; kind of a nightmare. 

The museum is family friendly, and has interactive games and activities for kids, which I totally did not see coming. As a result, a lot of families go, especially on the weekend. Thinking that the museum was for adults, or people who are art fanatics I was shocked when I realized it was probably just for children and that I looked like a complete weirdo being there by myself. However, as I made way through the museum I actually had a lot of fun. After getting over the fact I was probably one out of a few people there without kids and not with their families, I was pretty fascinated by how cool everything was.

Image Credit: Zipporah Alcaraz

Inside the museum, there’s a huge wall of Invader’s works, but the thing that probably struck me the most was the Rubik’s Cube room. This was by far, the moment I really geeked out. This part of Invader’s exhibition is completely inspired by Rubik’s Cubes. When I first walked in the room, I thought it was just a bunch of random squares, but when I looked closer, it turned out these random colorful squares created pictures! And some of them were made out of actual Rubik’s Cubes; it was so rad. My fascination and excitement  was probably over the top, but it gave me a sense of nostalgia. Some of the art depicted Disney characters I loved as a kid (and still do now), as well as cartoons I used to watch. It was a flashback through time. I know I’m not that old, but I couldn’t help myself.

Image Credit: Zipporah Alcaraz

Although the museum only has about four to five rooms, Invader’s art and the way the museum is set up brings you back to a time of innocence, fascination, and wonder. It gives you a chance to unleash your inner child, and no matter what age you are you inevitably join the swarm of children excitedly running around the exhibition. The interactive play, installation of games, and vibrant aura in the museum was absolutely amazing, and if you’re a huge fan of Invader, there’s even a map of where all his art is in Paris. This is definitely a place to check out if you have a short amount of time to kill. If you want to see it for yourselves the details are below; don't miss out.

Musée en Herbe - Open till September 2017

Price: 0-14 Euros

Address: 23 Rue L’Arbre-Sec 75001 Paris France

Time: Everyday 10:00-19:00, except Thursdays 10:00-21:00

Written by Zipporah Alcaraz

Zipporah Alcaraz is freshman at the American University of Paris. She plans to major in Global Communications, and possibly minor in Journalism. Making her way through the streets speaking broken French, you can find her either exploring the city or eating delicious food that comes her way.