Who Runs The World? Girls!

Image Credit: Pixaby/Unsplash
Want to know how to take over the world? Attend SGA and Paris for Her's Women's Leadership Workshop event!

As part of their Women's Leadership series, SGA is collaborating with Paris for Her to host a Women's Leadership Workshop event on Saturday, March 11, 2017. This event will feature two main speakers, who will speak about their personal leadership style and strengths, as well as small group workshops afterward where you can work personally with coaches to discover your own leadership style and discover where your strengths and weaknesses lie. 

Image Credit: Pixabay/Unsplash

According to Kristal Kramer, the goal of this event is create a space for discussions and personal growth as well as empowerment and inspiration, because the need for women's leadership needs to be talked about on a professional and uplifting level. There is an admission fee of 10 Euros, though fear not, because not only will you connect with professionals but there will also be a continental breakfast, lunch, cocktails, and business cards all included. Oh, and not to mention coffee served all day; totally worth it!

Something you must know is that there is a limited amount of space, so it is important that you RSVP before Thursday, March 9th at 11:00am. There will be a main check-in area in room C-103 in the Combes building, and doors open exactly on time, so don't forget to bring your photo ID and 10 Euros. 

What: Women's Leadership Workshop

When: Saturday March 11 2017 - 11:00-16:00

Where: 6 Rue du Colonel Combes 75007 Paris - C-102, 103, 104

How: SIGN UP HERE, It is RSVP only!

Written by Zipporah Alcaraz

Zipporah Alcaraz is freshman at the American University of Paris. She plans to major in Global Communications, and possibly minor in Journalism. Making her way through the streets speaking broken French, you can find her either exploring the city or eating delicious food that comes her way.