"Babies" Breaking Barriers

Image credit: Adrien Zheng
Children born in the era of globalization are the visionaries of today

Teenagers are the new fashion influencers in big cities. Being masters of digital tools allow these under aged yet creative teens to be present on the fashion market. 

Adrien, 16

In Paris, I met Adrien 16 year old creator of Galery Paris. Galery Paris is a trendy fashion brand featuring his own photos printed on hoodies. Ironically using his beautiful friends (still in high school) as models. His way of creating and promoting is so mature.









Image Credit: Adrein Zheng

He grew up in Le Sentier, a commercial district in Paris. Adrien is a teenager who has his hands in everything regarding art with an ability to detect fashion codes and master those of social networks. His collection entitled "The Building" utilizes images that are surrounded by reflective strips that illuminate with light or the flash of cameras. 


Born in 2000, Annabelle, Angelina, Thais & Crystal formed the Gucci Gang. With more than 35,000 followers on Instagram, these four girls combined  their elegance, provocation and brilliance.





Image Credit: Clique Tv

Their style is a refined mixture of Parisian street swag, vintage, and luxury. Their influences derive from art, cinema, music, and of course the nineties. 16 years old, the Gucci Gang girls have an agent from WM Models who fuse trendy evenings and partnership offers. This girl band illustrates that Parisian trends are controlled by the youth. The pupil has finally surpassed their master!


A bit older but still a millennial,  Jan is one of these cool “bobo” kids of Paris. By day, she draws and publishes her works on social networks and by night she and her acolyte Margaux mixes music in private Parisian clubs as Le Carmen.

Image Credit: leplongeon

Her angelic face and her provocative pout have been used by many brands and for several clips. Jan was also a photographer for the “Ten days in Paris” parties, and collaborates today with many artists. Her place is well anchored in the market of Parisan art and fashion.

Image Credit: publicimagepr.com


Finalist on the Vogue contest, Faustine is making her debut in modeling. However, what interests her most is creating.

Image Credit: Justine Goldberg

“I have always been very influenced by Japanese creators like Yohji Yamamoto, Junya Wanatabe or by street art as what Basquiat does but I also really appreciated the work of Nicolas Gesquiaire for Balenciaga. And for music, Etienne de Crécy is way too good.” This smart teenager is also interested in sewing, painting and music mixing. She combines various projects related to fashion, music and street art.

These cool kids of today have understood early on how the market works. Since they were born with an Iphone in the cradle and an observant eye, they control fashion trends with the palm of their hands. 

Written by Elena Copsidas