Travel for the Soul

Image Credit: Darla Centeno
Fear and confidence in solo travel

Walking through the old neighborhood of Alfama in Lisbon, fear crawled up my spine as Google Maps lead me through narrow, maze-like streets. Half of the sky was already engulfed in darkness; the magic of the cobblestone streets and colorful houses had evaporated. Making a left turn, I came to the back of a church with a single alleyway for me to exit. At that moment I wished I had stayed home and watched everything on my Netflix watch list, but I didn't want my fears to stop me.

Fear is a natural reaction when traveling to a foreign country. However, experienced travelers welcome fear and use it to their advantage; it's one of the wonders of traveling alone. This sounds difficult, but really it's easy. Fear plays with the head, but you become more comfortable; after all the culture filled morning tours, philosophical conversations with eclectic individuals, and late night drinking parades the fear becomes confidence. As soon as this happens you'll want to travel alone more often.

Image Credit: Darla Centeno

Female solo travel is extremely daunting. Nights in a mixed hostel dorm when you're the only girl in the room, arriving at your destination when the sun is out, or being eyed by drunk men can be stressful. However, it should never stop you from traveling; the world is full of uncertainties, and when you let them get to you it impedes your ambitions. The best advice I can give when going on a solo trip is to have book and street smarts. Before heading to your destination read a few language and cultural books, or articles online. There are many resources available to you on topics, such as what to pack, what to do, how to get there, and where to stay. You should use them to your advantage! These are the tools that will guide you throughout your trip, as well as help to ease any uncertainties you have. Going with your gut feeling and removing yourself from uncomfortable situations is important. 

Image Credit: Darla Centeno
For incoming AUP student's exploring specific neighborhoods in Paris, or going on an excursion alone can be daunting. Let this be a little reminder that you are here because you are a global citizen. You're meant to explore and discover; to succeed and thrive. Don't let fear or doubt stop you from traveling by yourself, you'll gain newfound self-confidence which can impact the smallest aspects of your life.  

So, where will your next trip take you?

Written by Darla Centeno

Darla is a Junior at the American University of Paris studying Management and Politics. She is a mildly seasoned traveler, lover of deep dish pizzas, cheesy 90's romantic comedies, and a meme enthusiast.