Tired Of Trump Talk

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As an American in Paris, all the “your-country-is-nuts" talk is frankly getting exasperating.

“It’s like America’s amazing dad is leaving us and mom’s new perverted boyfriend just pulled up in his Trans-Am.” — Wendi Aarons.

This may be one of the greatest tweets I've read about the election of misogynistic, pompous, spray-tan-gone-wrong Donald Trump. As an American having recently moved overseas, I quickly realized that the incessant talk about Trump would follow me all the way to Paris and be a daily reminder of America’s political crisis.

Wherever I go in Paris, I can't seem to escape Donald Trump. Whether it’s an Uber driver making small talk, someone in a club, or new classmates, the talk invariably turns to Trump. "What do you think of Trump?”...“Did you vote for him?”...“How do you feel about all this?” No offense, but this is the last thing I want to talk about outside the bar, in the cold, at 1:30 am.

Yes, of course Trump's election is important. And yes, the USA is my country, so the discussion of politics is relevant to my life. But all the Trump talk is getting exasperating. Another reminder of the craziness I have to return to in less than four  months. It's a topic that, in all honesty, is making me freaking exhausted.

Yet, despite the temptation to scream at anyone who asks me about The Donald, I politely smile and say something like, “I know, it’s crazy. I never thought it would happen.”

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Let’s face it, most of us never expected this hot headed, business man and reality TV host would be elected as the 45th President of the United States. From the protests we’re watching on TV, it's obvious that millions of people around the world are not happy with Trump's offensive behavior. Something needs to be done. 

In the meantime, I would love to just have just one day when we all take a break from talking about it. Can we please direct our conversations to some positive news?  Part of me feels that it's almost impossible to not talk about this craziness. But talking about Trump is only giving him the attention he craves. 

While the seriousness of Trump’s bullying behavior and his prejudices concerns me greatly, I have decided that, while I am here abroad, I don’t want to let any of this affect my time here. After all, at this point, what else is there to say? I have had my fill of “your-country-is-nuts" talk. I’m here in a new country. I’m enjoying this new experience — and nothing is going to take that away from me.

No more Trump talk, please.

Written by Taylor Manley

Philadelphia girl born and raised. Communications major and marketing minor studying in Paris for the semester.