Paris' Own March for Women's Rights

Image Credit: Wikimedia/Women Against Donald Trump
What you need to know about the Women's March in the city of lights.
By this point, you’ve no doubt heard all about the Women’s March on Washington, which is expected to be the largest march in US history. Along with many others with strong feelings on what a Trump presidency means for America, I sadly won’t be able to attend the march in Washington, DC on Saturday. Being an ocean away from the country that inspired Saturday’s event can easily cause feelings of disconnect from the heart of this movement but, luckily, we Americans in Paris have a sister march to save the day.
Paris’ march will begin at 2 p.m. on Saturday in Human Rights Square, near Trocadéro. The demonstration will go across the Lena Bridge and end at the Wall of Peace in front of l’Ecole Militaire. Though the march will arrive at the Wall of Peace at 3:30 p.m, the event won’t be over until 4:30 p.m. As we all expect, it will be freezing but knowing that you’re suffering for a good cause should warm you from the inside (if only by a few degrees).
Once you know where to be on Saturday, remember: the more the merrier! Invite your friends and your family to join the hundreds of thousands of people speaking out across the world. If you’re feeling especially kind-hearted, talk to the organizers of your local march and offer to help out however you can.
Written by Shuri Kyen Chungag

A Detroit-born Cameroonian-American, Shuri Kyen is a liberal, womanist, psycho activist studying at the American University of Paris. She spends most of her time on schoolwork or skillful procrastination. As a lover of arts, politics, and social justice, Shuri writes on what it means to be an active part of our world.