Candy for a Cause

Image credit: BV Syria
When Halloween and fundraising combines.

Ever wondered how you can help the refugee crisis? AUP's student organization Baytna à Vous is now giving you the chance. From Monday October 24th to Thursday October 27th, Halloween candy bags are on sale in Combes gallery, from 10:30am-5pm. Goodie bags will be sold at 3€ each or two for 5€. All candy bags purchased will help to clothe, feed and put a smile on the faces of the refugees.

Baytna à Vous is a student organization founded a year ago at AUP by graduate students and focused on providing help and support for Syrian refugees. "As one of the co-founders of Baytna à Vous, I am very pleased and proud to see how far we have come. BVSyria is a great club because it is representing a community that has been forgotten. Yes, we see "Syria" and "refugees" on the news constantly but seeing and doing something is the reason BVSyria exists" said Habiba Belguedj, BVSyria's co-founder and manager. 

BVSyria's work has helped many Syrians as they integrate into French culture. Along with their collaborative NGO Souria Houria, the student organization supports the Syrian people in their struggle and their legitimate demand for freedom, dignity, and social justice. The Halloween candy sales will go to fund educational projects in Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey. Any and all donations are welcome.


Written by Stephanie Alex

Venezuelan/American living in Paris interested in cultures, traveling, art and food of course. Find her at a cafe reading some novel while having way too much coffee.