Beat Stress by Learning a Superpower

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Lithoderm
Are procrastination and anxiety getting the best of you? You might need a superpower...

Summer is over and the endless to do lists have just begun. You promised yourself that you would break that habit of  procrastination. However, midterms are coming and the Netflix binge habit is harder to break than you thought. As we all know, this habit perpetually leads into "Netflix remorse." This loss of time leads to deadline panic and a short temper. 

You might think you need a superpower to handle this moment of panic, right? Good news: Sian Dafydd, creative writing professor, author of an award winning novel and yoga expert wants to share the power of breathing when under stress at her "Superpower Workshop" on October 13th from 19h00-20h30 in C-102. The "Superpower Workshop" consists of answering questions about the breathing technique such as:

1. What is proper breathing?
2. Why are people raving about breathing properly?
3. Why should you practice breathing daily?
4. How do you practice proper breathing? 

Dafydd is a firm believer that developing the habit of breathing for five minutes a day creates a "superpower" that takes control of the mind and emotions that will lead to better decisions and reactions. Though this is a simple practice that has been tried and tested for centuries, we find it difficult to clear the mind in our modern lives. Dafydd testifies by integrating this "tiny change" allowed her to approach deadlines and everyday encounters with an "automatic reaction of calm." As a result, it allowed her to become "more effective, more creative, happier, organized and write better."

Once one feels the effects, Dafydd explains, "you feel transformed to the point that you have superpowers and its a funny little secret you have that you can't quite believe." So put an end to procrastination and dwelling on the past and learn to be happy with the present moment by learning the technique of breathing at the "Superpower Workshop." Attendees are encouraged to come as you are, with the required open mind and lungs!

Written by Eliza Brown

Eliza Brown is a 21 year old student attending the American University of Paris. She is a Marketing major with a double minor in Global Communications and Environmental Science.