Tokyo Street Style

Tokyo Subway. Image Credit: Alice Preat
Fashion and identity in the Japanese Capital.

As the balance of power in the fashion world has shifted away from the catwalk, fashion freaks over the world have been turning to the street for inspiration. Tokyo has become one of the recognized street fashion hotspots known for its huge variety of styles, from the kogal of Shibuya with their school uniforms, loose socks, died hair and fake tans, to the gothic Lolitas, who pair typical goth attire with a more feminine and sexy look. The outlandish outfits that can be spotted across the city are more than just a fashion statement however -- in a society that remains highly hierarchical and codified, young people often see their choice of clothes as essential to their identity. We went out on the streets of Harajuku and Shibuya to meet young Tokyoites and find out what fashion means to them. 

Ririna, 18, student. Image credit:  Alice Preat

"My style makes me feel playful; it reflects my current feeling. I just want to have fun." says Ririna when asked about how her style makes her feel and how it represents her identity.

Sho, 25, investor. Image credit: Alice Preat

"With this style, I don't feel the same as all business men who wear the same suits everyday. I feel young and original. It is motivating to feel like this in my field of work", Sho explains.

Heiko, 40, office worker. Image credit: Alice Preat

"Even though I'm getting older, I want to stay true to myself and still be able to wear this type of clothing. I want to stay young.", says Heiko when asked why she dresses this way.

Leo, 26, restaurant worker. Image credit: Alice Preat

"At my job, I can't wear what I would like. This feminine side is a part of my personality, and it is important for me to express it on the outside.", Leo explains confidently.

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2016 edition of Peacock Magazine

Written by Alice Preat

Born and raised in Paris, but having lived in the U.K and New York, Alice is a bilingual French-American hybrid. She studies journalism, psychology and politics at AUP in the hope of becoming a multimedia journalist and attempt to understand the mystery of being a human.