Self-Driving Cars Could One Day Drive You Home Drunk

Image Credit: Pixabay/kaicho20
It won't stop you from puking in the car, though.

Everyone knows the struggle of planning how to get home from a night out, whether it be by Uber or your friend's Mormon cousin. Luckily, Google's new self driving car is launching into a testing phase, and  no doubt other competitors will follow. A recent article from Diply talked about how such vehicles could reduce deaths on the road by 90 percent, especially from drunk drivers. So far, Google's self-driving vehicles have only been in one accident that was the car's fault, after tens of thousands of hours of testing. 

So, what would it feel like getting into one of these machines while inebriated? 

You'll never get a DUI or, more importantly, put others at risk like Jordan Belfort luckily didn't (he was too drunk to even get in the car, below). On the other hand, you'll be completely at the mercy of a machine.

You may also not even remember your address, and good luck typing that into your phone/device that enables to car to take you there

But what happens if you wake up in this car with no memory of what happened? You'll probably think you've been kidnapped or died and have an existential crisis. Hey, it happens to the best of us. 

With some luck, if you do manage to enter it, you might ask yourself: Where am I? Where is this car taking me? How am I moving? Am I dreaming? Why can't I open the window? HELP! .....all before puking in the car. Once you arrive, the machine may need to emit a very loud call to wake you out of a drunken slumber so you can stumble home. 

This is all assuming it works as planned. Hopefully your experience won't look like this:

Written by Eva Gudnason