Senate Update: A Smooth Session

Budgets were passed, procedures were covered and new senators were introduced during the first Senate session.

The first AUP Student Senate meeting of the semester kicked off on the first floor of Combes Feb. 6, 2019. Multiple newly elected senators joined the circle for the first time.

The meeting was mainly geared towards a training session. As new and veteran senators alike introduced themselves and ran through scripted budget requests, before continuing with the real budget management.

The ACC (Activities and Clubs Committee) started the budget session with the Senate, which effectively passed five budget request, totaling 2,943 euros. The two biggest budget requests that passed were for GIMUN (Geneva International Model United Nations) in Switzerland to cover the cost of registration for student journalists to report on the Model United Nations sessions. The second was a UN graduate and undergraduate summit trip to New York; students were granted between €800 and €1000.

A large portion of the meeting was used by Director of Experiential Learning, Darcee Caron, explaining the new program to be installed at AUP, the Global Professional Skills Path.

The GPS program allows you to graduate with an extra certificate, stating that the student has performed extensive professional training in their field of study. With this program, you can create a co-curricular portfolio, no matter what your major, before you even graduate.

“All students will have access to a co-curricular record that you can share with prospective employers or graduate programs,” Caron said.

“All students will have access to a co-curricular record that you can share with prospective employers or graduate programs,” Caron said. Students will soon have access to track their process through the AUP Engage web page. Seniors this year will be able to follow an abridged version of this program so they can finish in time. There will be an event held for participants and a presidents panel for selected students to showcase what they have done.

For more information, email

The Senate meeting came to a close by Chiara Amor, the USC Vice-President, reminded new senators to use their emails for all Senate-related business.

After the close of the first meeting, some of the new Senate representatives were feeling confident with the potential for the beginning of a good semester.

“I enjoyed it and I’m excited to keep going,” said Diana Hickok, Economics Representative, “One of my goals is that I'd like to host an event that brings together Econ majors and minors, because I feel like we haven't had a chance to meet a lot of other people in my major.”

Jackie Wegwerth, the Senior representative, said she is ready to see what the semester has in store and is very excited to start planning the graduation gala for her fellow seniors.

The new senators are as follows:

Miranda Vickery- Art History Rep.

Diana Hickok- Economics Rep.

Sophia Scalza- Global Comms Rep.

Margarita Valldejuly- Philosophy Rep.

Alexandra Avena- Graduate Rep.

 Jackie Wegwerth- Senior Rep.

Camilla Carlesi- Visiting Rep.

Check back every Thursday for Senate meeting recaps.

Written by Ali Benzerara

Ali was born and raised by his mother in the San Francisco Bay Area. Growing up loving music, sports and the outdoors, Ali began to interest himself in social justice and started working as a staff writer for the Oak Leaf News at Santa Rosa Junior College. He was there for a year and worked as A&E Editor, Sports Editor, and Editor-in-Chief. During that time, Ali was also published in North Bay Biz Magazine as a freelance Photographer. Before Coming to AUP, Ali interned at KGO Radio for the Ronn Owens show, and helped cover the North Bay Wildfires in October 2017. Currently working at the Peacock Plume, Ali was Investigative/Features Editor in Fall 2018, and has focused his writing towards campus news, social inequality, justice, and the occasional hip-hop piece.