Paris Stops All Traffic On Champs Élysées

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Paris' monthly no car days drop nitrous oxide levels by 40% in the city.

The World Health Organization says fine-particle air pollution is responsible for about 42,000 premature deaths in France each year, which is due in part to vehicular traffic. The first step against air pollution in Paris was taken in September 2015, when the French capital held its first no car day.

May 8, 2016 was the official kick off of reducing Paris' air pollution. Mayor Anne Hidalgo has banned car traffic from the world famous Champs Élysées, as well as other districts in the city center, for the first Sunday of each month, making it a car free zone. Hidalgo has been making "ambitious plans to create more pedestrian zones and ban diesel cars in Paris by 2020" according to The Verge.  

The campaign, entitled "Paris Breathes", will continue to reduce air pollution in the capital. It is also responsible for blocking off 13 sections of the city at various times throughout the day.

Residents and tourists are taking advantage of no car day, whether it's dancing to street performers, biking and skateboarding down the streets or just enjoying the car-less roads. Below are two videos of how the Paris community is coming together celebrating no car day. 



Written by Lauren Madrigal


A 20 year old American girl exploring Paris, France & traveling the world