Idiot's Guide to the Nobel Prize

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Here's your guide to increasing your Nobel knowledge!

Don't know which intellectuals won the 2016 Nobel Prize and about 1.2 million dollars? The prize winners are announced during the first week of October. The creator of dynamite, Alfred Nobel, began the yearly event in 1901. A Swedish chemist, inventor, entrepreneur, business man, engineer and pacifist. He wanted his creations to inspire inventors that will provide great benefits for the good of mankind. In his last will he leaves his wealth to the establishment of the Nobel Prize in order to award those that contribute to the world. 

Nobel Prizes are divided into six categories: 



  • David J. Thouless is a Scottsman born in 1934. He earned his Bachelor degree at Trinity Hall, Cambridge then acquired his Doctorate at Cornell University. He is now a Professor at The University of Washington in Seattle. 
  • F. Duncan M. Haldane is a Londoner born in 1951. He gained his Bachelor's and PhD at Christ's College, Cambridge. He is currently a professor at The University of Southern California.
  • J. Michael Kosterlitz is a Brittishman born in 1942. His B.A.. and M.A. were both from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge but obtained his PhD at Brasenose College, Oxford. He is teaches Physics at Brown University and is a visiting research fellow at Aalto University in Finland.


Matter at extreme low or high temperature, matter starts to gain exotic properties. Exotic states of matter refers to unexpected electrical properties, such as superconductivity. They used mathematics known as topology to invalidate theories against property changes. This discovery is paving the way for advanced new technology such as topological insulators.


David J. Thouless (left), F. Duncan M. Haldane (center) and J. Michael Kosterlitz (right). Image credit: Niklas Elmehed



  • Jean-Pierre Sauvage is a Frenchman born in 1944.  A chemistry professor teaching at The University of Strasbourg. and gained his PhD at l'Universite Louis Pasteur.
  • Sir J. Fraser Stoddart is a Scotsman born in 1942. He gained his BSc, PhD and DSc at Edinburgh University. Now, he is a professor at UCLA and Director of CCIS at Northwestern,
  • Bernard L. Feringa is a Dutchman born in 1951. Received his PhD at the University of Groningen. Co-founder of Selac and advisory board member for The American Chemical Society.


Awarded for the design and synthesis of molecular machines. "They have created molecules with controllable movements, which can perform a task when energy is added." the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences states.

Jean Pierre Sauvage (left), Sir J. Fraser Stoddart (center) and Bernard L. Feringa (right). Image credit: Niklas Elmehed

Physiology or Medicine


  • Yoshinori Ohsumi is a Japanese cell biologist born in 1949. Received his Bachelor and Doctorate at The University of Tokyo and is currently a Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology.


Yoshinori has discovered autophagy, a fundamental process for degrading and recycling cellular components. He used bake's yeast to identify essential genes for autophagy. The uncovered mechanisms in yeast that are similar  to machinery used in our cells. "Auto" means "self" and "phagein" mean "to eat". 

Yoshinori. Image credit: Niklas Elmehed



  • Bob Dylan is an American born in 1941. He enrolled in The University of Minnesota but flunked before acquiring his Bachelors degree.


Dylan, for 54 years, has focused all his attention into the American folk music. He created new poetic sayings within this music genre. "He can be read and should be read, and is a great poet in the English tradition" announces Sara Danius, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy.

Bob Dylan. Image credit: Niklas Elmehed



  • Juan Manuel Santos is a Colombian born in 1951. He graduated from Admiral Padilla Navel Cadet School and later was ranked a naval cadet NA-42 139. 


Santos is Colombia's 32nd President. Colombia was still at civil war when he assumed office in 2010. Now, 50 years into the war, Santos proposed a peace accord with the National Liberation Party. Yet, the Colombian voters rejected the accord with the Farc rebels. Colombians refused the accord do to the reason that it does not justly punish the rebels.

Juan Manuel Santos. Image credit: Niklas Elmehed

Economic Sciences


  • Oliver Hart is a British man born in 1948. He earned is B.A.. at King's College, Cambridge, his M.A.. at University of Warwick and his PhD. at Princeton University. He is currently teaching at Harvard.
  • Bengt Holmstrom is a Finnish man born in 1949. He received his Bachelors at The University of Helsinki and his Masters and PhD at Stanford. Professor at MIT.


Awarded for their modern contract theory. How businesses and organizations can better understand and design contract even though of complexities and uncertainties. The professors consider contract theory to be an art term. "Relationships typically entail conflicts of interest, contracts must be properly designed to ensure that the parties take mutually beneficial decisions." is what the Nobel Prize Committee reasons about why contract theories are art. 

Bengt Holmstrom (left) and Oliver Hart (right). Image credit: Niklas Elmehed

Visit The Nobel Prize for more info.

Written by Margarita Valldejuly

Margarita has the name of a drink, the name for a pizza and also for a flower. Margarita even though the name might sound Mexican is actually a Puertorican living and studying in Paris.