The Top 10 Websites You'll Wish You'd Known Before

Image credit: tumblr/Imanuel Pasaka
The best sources of educational video tutorials and lectures to learn something new.

The knowledge is attractive, but it is not always possible to find several hours for a book or a long-term course. Fortunately, there are so many great websites that can help to improve any skills from making a perfect sandwich to advanced computer programming! The programs are developed within the collaboration of leading universities and organizations. The greatest advantage is that most of the courses are offered for free. Although, some of them may charge to provide a certificate.

Just sign up for the course and benefit from being able to learn something new at your own comfort, whether at home or in a cafe without any deadlines and assignments!

  1.  Khan Academy - a friendly website that offers essential knowledge in various fields such as science, history, math, and economics with the interactive content and a subject related exercises. 

  2. Coursera - an extensive source of the lectures on different specializations. The site offers courses on computer science, healthcare, social sciences, and economics from universities like Princeton, Stanford or Berkeley.

  3. Skilllshare - offers a great content of themes to learn, to share, and to expand the creativity.

  4. Lynda - the website provides detailed tutorials on how to improve skills in photography, business, graphic design, web development, music production, and more. The subscription has a fee, however, if you an AUP student you are lucky, you have a free account.

  5. Udemi - a very helpful website with rich content of courses for any taste and interest, however, many of the offered courses are charged.

  6. Duolingo - If you want to improve your language skills that is the page to start. The website offers a lot of interactive exercises in more than 20 languages.

  7. - offers interesting guides for “how to be” and “how to do” anything you may find interesting.

  8. TED talks - to be updated with the last ideas and the greatest stories from all over the world.

  9. Epicurious - the website would be helpful to all gourmands or simply food lovers. There are plenty of experimental step-by-step recipes of culinary arts with fine food and drinks. 

  10. Tips for life - it is rather a page than a website that is be helpful, as it offers variety of handy skills that may find its use in daily life or extreme situations.

​Most of the websites offer an application smartphones that enables to have an quick access everywhere. It only takes a few clicks through the pages and you are on the run for new knowledge and skills. So, don't lose the time and enjoy the discovery! 

Written by Yana Kotina