No Destination, Many Stops Along the Way

Image Credit: NoDestinations
A look at a couple who picked up everything and set off on a lifelong journey.

Ever wanted to quit your job, pack up your bag and travel the world? It's a common dream that many have, but the painful daily grind of a nine to five job usually keeps everyone tied down. That's not the case with Chris and Danika from the Instagram blog NoDestinations, however.

Over cocktails at a bar in San Francisco, they made the decision to leave their corporate lives behind and instead travel the world. Chris and Danika's blog consists of their do's and don'ts of traveling, guides, how-to's and tips from the duo who learned how to live a digital vagabond life without forsaking comfort. "Our style is more on the luxury side with tons of adventure added in," Danika said during an interview with, “We like to come home to comfortable accommodations and prefer extra space.”

The question is, though, how can a young couple just pack everything up and afford two years abroad?

Image Credit: NoDestinations

With current technology, it’s possible to do almost everything remotely. Chris works as a website developer while Danika works on their travel website full-time, allowing them to make all their income while traveling abroad. While they may not have a set location as their "home," their blog and Instagram feed are one place that remains a constant in their life. 

“Simply said we both work," Danika said when asked about how they can afford this lifestyle, "If we didn’t work while on this journey, our style would be a lot different or we wouldn’t have been gone for as long.” This couple isn’t alone. There are countless people that we can live through vicariously based solely off of their Instagram.

“There’s a rapidly developing economy on Instagram,” the CEO of Dash Hudson, Thomas Rankin said during an interview with Harper's Bazaar. Dash Hudson is an app that allows for growth and income from Instagram accounts through marketing.

And it is apps like these that help bloggers like NoDestinations rake in the dough. Harper's Bazaar reported that if you have a hundreds of thousands of followers you can make anywhere from $500 to $5,000 a post. That number jumps exponentially when you have upwards of 6 million followers. When you get into these big leagues, you can make $20,000 to $100,000 a shot. NoDestinations currently has 112,000 followers.

Image Credit: No Destinations

Follow up on their Instagram to be inspired. Maybe even motivated enough to want to ditch boring, old regular life and travel the globe. In this virtual world we live in, it’s now possible to a virtual home and get paid to do what you love with the simple flash of a photo.

Written by Natalie Gilhool