Leaving Behind a Loved One While Going Abroad

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The tale to be told and advice to be given on how I am surviving my long distance relationship.

If you are in a serious relationship, you are never fully prepared for the feeling of leaving behind the person you love to embark on a journey halfway across the world. If you are lucky enough, however, your relationship is strong enough to overcome any distance between the two of you. There is no rule book when it comes to a long distance relationship and sometimes you feel lost. While this experience is different for each person, I hope that one might be able to apply my own experiences of a long distance relationship to their own and find a sense of comfort and direction.I have been abroad for almost two years and have experienced every aspect of a long distance relationship. While it is not easy, it is possible and can be extremely rewarding, as well. Here are some of the things that I have learned while being 5,642 miles away from my boyfriend. Let me tell you, it hasn't been easy, but I believe it is worth it. 

Be Aware of the Sacrifices Your Loved one is Making for You

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The first thing to know is if you have someone who is willing to support you leaving them behind in order to pursue your dream, they are already worth it. We often take for granted the fact that, while you are in an immersing in a new culture and discovering new things, they are back home living their normal day-to-day life. It must not go unrecognized that they are doing this for you and your aspirations.

Distance Does not Kill a Relationship, Doubts do.

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When there is so much distance between you and your partner, it is easy to be doubtful and even insecure at times. However, you have both agreed that your relationship is worth fighting for so you must have confidence in each other. Go Overseas states that, “If you're entering into a long distance relationship, then make sure you already have a stable foundation of trust. Keep the honesty flowing and do not hide anything.” After awhile, you begin to recognize what works and what doesn’t and you find a good balance in your relationship. But do not give up when things are tough because that is usually when you come out stronger.

Positivity is Key 

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Easier said than done, of course. But you must keep a positive mindset. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the distance, and the waiting game to see each other next is a killer, but you must try hard to live in the moment and remind yourself that your loved one is waiting for you when you get home. Instead of thinking about how hard it is to be away from each other, think about how fulfilling it will be when you are reunited. According to  The Abroad Guide, “The worst thing you can do for both yourself and your relationship is to hold back while you’re studying abroad”  You have been given this opportunity to learn and grow, make the most of it. 

Appreciate the Little Things

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While long distance is anything but easy, you will find yourself being grateful of even the simplest of things. You will realize how precious your time is together and will never let another second be taken for granted. Things as small as holding hands in the car will feel most special. And when you finally get to be together again, it will be the most rewarding feeling in the world and rest assured that your relationship can survive even the most difficult of cases.

Written by Claudia Rosha

My name is Claudia Rosha and I was born in Los Angeles, California. My mother was raised Catholic, and my father raised in Israel as a Jew. I had the fortune of falling somewhere in between the two, so I grew up accustomed to a difference of cultures. Travel has not only been a pivotal part of my personal development but has also been the initial catalyst for my decision to only apply to the American University of Paris during my senior year of high school. Paris has been a great fit for me; it has shifted my cultural perspective and outlook. I’ve taken advantage of my opportunity to gain life experience and expand my horizons. My interests include horseback riding, music, art, and fashion.