Flat Tomato And Buddhify: Use Apps to Manage Your Study Time

Image credit: Pixabay
Not managing your time well? Maybe technology can help.

Freedom is one of the greatest things about going to university. As college students we are able to choose what we want to do, what kind of schedule fits us best, or even the parties that we would like to attend. However this freedom comes at a price. Every college student is expected to juggle their time in an effective manner when it comes to studying, socializing, extracurricular activities and having a part time job; but time management doesn’t come naturally to everyone and many of us find it hard to even make it to class on time. If that's you, check out these free apps that will help you make more time for yourself.

Flat tomato

Image credit: Pixabay

This is not a pasta ingredient, but an app inspired by The Pomodoro Technique, a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980's. The technique consists on breaking down tasks into 25-minute periods, each separated by a 3 to 5 minute break. The breaks are called pomodorous, a name inspired after the tomato kitchen timer Cirillo used as a college student. The Pomodoro Technique promises to help you power through distractions, especially to those with a short attention span. The whole method is based on the idea that if you take several breaks through your work then it will lead to increased productivity and mental agility.  Flat tomato is the perfect app to follow this technique. It shows on your lock screen the time you’ve been working, the breaks that you’re supposed to take, as well as your work status.

Schedule Planner

The best option for students on the go, whether you have a classic planner or rely solely on your mind to book things. An agenda is a life saver because it helps you keep track of your moves through out the day. Schedule Planner uses a user friendly software that not only helps to plan your day and schedule your daily tasks, but also provides information to the user on how they can plan their time wisely. The app will generate charts for its users to help visualize where their time is being spent.

Google Calendar

A monthly planner app and great way to know your schedule for the month. Having a better picture of your occupied time helps you to know your free time. Google Calendar color codes each label that you create. This is an effective way to label different activities like school, personal and work. This method gives you an idea on how your month is going to be organized. Another convenient feature about this app is that it lets you work offline, so no need to run out of data.


Let’s be honest for a minute, how many of your productive hours are you spending on social media? It is a reality that we are too attached to our phones and checking social media is part of our routines. However when it comes down to studying for an important exam, that can be a major distraction. Ironically, there is an app for that. Ofttime allows you to block social media, games and communications from your phone. Only allowing tailored modes like family or emergency numbers to contact you to ensure you only use your phone for what you need and to not get distracted by other apps.

Image credit: Pixabay


Uses a simple design to create to-do lists. The old fashioned to-do list making is a simple activity that can help you to organize you school and personal lives. Todoist allows you to create short-term goals that you can cross off at the end of the day giving you a sense of accomplishment. It also helps you prioritize your time by knowing which tasks have more importance than others.


A meditation app for all levels. A big part of making things happen is taking breaks. Taking breaks not only clears your mind but helps you to focus your attention and adopt another perspective when you go back to your work. Juggling all school activities can be quite stressful at times and meditation is often related to reducing stress and improving concentration. Buddhify by meditating helps you to be aware of the present, allowing you to stay in the moment and to be more mindful of your surroundings.

Written by Stephanie Alex

Venezuelan/American living in Paris interested in cultures, traveling, art and food of course. Find her at a cafe reading some novel while having way too much coffee.