Companions of AUP: Scotch Hutter

Image Credit: Annabella Hutter
Meet an AUP student's special companion

You might have seen Scotch trotting around AUP campus already with his best friend, human Annabella Hutter. 

How did you and Scotch meet?

Scotch and I met when I first got him back in 2015. He was born in Normandy. He was the runt of the pug litter, but even though he was the smallest, he had the biggest heart which is why I chose him. He was a little over 2 months old and I can just remember him being a little bean with googly eyes who could barely stand. All he wanted was my love and all I wanted to give him was my unconditional love in return.

Can you tell us what life is with you two?

Our relationship entails so much, its hard to even begin describing it! Scotch has honestly been by my side through a lot. Friendships forming and falling apart, my long term relationship ending, new jobs and a number of trips abroad…He’s been great at keeping me company whenever I needed it. Our relationship is full of never ending love, excitement and discovery together. I laugh a lot with (or at) him and he brings happiness into my life, no matter what.

Image Credit: Annabella Hutter

Do you believe the myth that you and your dog start to resemble each other after a period of time?


I mean in terms of looks I hope not, he is a pug after all. But in terms of features actually yes, maybe. He is light and dark like my hair and skin colour, and he has beauty spots on his cheeks like me. He’s also petite. In terms of personality, we are so alike, I’m open and friendly and I hate to seem intimidating upon first encounters.. We are both calm, lazy and sleepy but also fun, cheeky and rambunctious at the best of times. Scotch is so friendly with other dogs, he never barks or jumps when he meets a new dog. He’s gentle and likes to play. 

Image Credit: Annabella Hutter

What is special about Scotch?

So much about Scotch is special. From his snort, his fat rolls to his kind personality. He’s such a caring and loving little dog. He loves life and has taught me to love life no matter what gets thrown at me. I can’t imagine life without him, he’s truly my best friend. Plus we also look mega cute walking down the streets of Paris together.

If you want more Scotch in your life, he has an Instagram account waiting for your likes. 

Additional reporting by Eliza Alexandra Brown. 

Written by Leah Levine

Born and raised in Oakland, California. Leah studied Merchandise Marketing in Los Angeles at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and is currently finishing her second degree in Paris with a focus in Global Communications. With an innate interest in fashion from childhood, she has dabbled in a myriad of fields in fashion in Los Angeles and Paris. She is a well-aware social butterfly with a passion to continuously discover.