How to Actually Get Into Parisian Nightclubs

Image Credit: Flickr/Sam Saunders
It's not always easy, but we're offering a few do's and don'ts

Why are Parisian nightclubs notorious for rejecting people? Well, it turns out there's a lot of reasons...and a little luck involved if you want to get into a Paris hotspot.

For guys, unless they know people who own or manage the club, they must come accompanied with girls or buy bottle service. A bottle, in most Paris clubs, comes at around €200 or €300 with bigger bottles costing around €500. Girls are lucky because nightclubs want them to meet guys and for guys to buy their drinks resulting in a good night's profit. However, not all girls get accepted to every club.  When trying to get into a club, you will often find yourself so nervous standing in the queue not knowing whether you are getting in or not, and when it is finally your turn, you try your best to act completely sober. Then girls suck their stomach in and reveal some cleavage, while guys usually hide timidly behind them in hopes of blending in.

The sad reality is that the closer you get to looking like a Victoria's Secret model, the higher your chances are of getting into a club. Then again in Paris, there is the whole "promoter" system where wealthy, often creepy older men, pay for a bottle in a club and invite a bunch of tall, usually Eastern European models to stand around looking good, whilst they talk amongst themselves and sip ever so slowly on their Dom Pérignon.

Image Credit: Elodie Dalgleish

Certain clubs in Paris don't even have a queue, such as the Le Titty Twister off the Champs Elysees. The concept here is that people start gathering around the doors from around 12:30 a.m. onwards, not in a single file queue, but in a sort of huddle. You feel like you are in a herd of sheep, trying to differentiate yourself from the person next to you hoping the vigile will pick you from the pack. 

Whatever you do, don't ask why you're not being let in. He will not change his mind, I assure you.

Below are list of ways to optimize entry into a nightclub:

1. Go early (12 a.m.)

2. Have more girls in your group than guys

3. Make sure the guys in your group dress as though they would potentially buy a massive bottle of vodka 

4. Girls: Get the heels on

5. Frequent the same clubs, so you'll start to get recognized

6. Speak to the bouncer in French, or bring a friend who can

Below are a list of ways to guarantee your rejection into a nightclub:

1. Rock up with more guys than girls

2. Being too drunk

3. Wearing baggy clothes and flat shoes

4. Turning up at peak hour 1:30/2:00 a.m.

5. Speak vulgurly or shout aggressively in the line

6. Look exhausted and unmotivated

Image credit: Flickr/MilesGehm

Remember these tips are for the more exclusive nightclubs, other less "fashionable"clubs do not require the same standards. For the less "fashionable" but still desired clubs, like Bario Latino, you just pay your way in no matter your guy-to-girl ratio. I assure you there are a lot more guys there than you would expect. For a more pub-like ambiance where you are guaranteed inexpensive drinks and a good dance (especially for those hiphop lovers) Café Oz is right for you. The cover is €10 with a free drink from 10 p.m. onwards and there a few locations around Paris. A pair of jeans and some comfy boots will suit just fine, but boys BEWARE, once again, un-accompanied men are not their first pick.

Image Credit: Flickr/JamesCafeOz

Written by Elodie Dalgleish

21 year old AUP student in her senior year from Sydney, Australia.