Where to Go When Nightclubs Say 'No'

Image Credits: Martin Birkin
Rejection Hurts: Presenting a last-ditch effort bar to dance your night away.

There is no arguing that Paris's trifecta of luxurious nightclubs - L'Arc, Heritage and Titty Twister - are the hot spots for nightlife on the Champs-Elysées.  These clubs thrive on exclusivity and unfortunately, the higher the reputation, the more chance for rejection. However, the problem with getting rejected is that it throws a wrench in your plans for the night and everyone is left thinking - now what?

If you happen to get rejected, don't let it ruin your entire night. The lead bouncer is often the epitome of Parisian snobbery. It happens to the best of us and there are countless reasons why people get rejected from a nightclub. The club is full. Perhaps you're not wearing heels. Maybe you don't feel like forking over a thousand Euros for a table, or you just have that unfortunate thing going on where you came into the world as a male. 

But here you are, all dressed up with nowhere to go.

So you could take a step down from the Parisian trifecta and move into the tier two clubs, Cartel, Chez Papillon, Hobo and Queen Nightclub which are all located by the Champs-Elysées. If you're lucky enough to be in Paris during Paris Fashion Week, check out the best restaurants and bars to hang here.

Image Credit: Francesca Coyne

Cartel, an AUP favorite, is the highest quality club you will get on the Champs once you exit the ritzy realm of the trifecta. While their theme is Mexican, prepare to take tequila shots out of skull glasses while listening to the latest hip hop and deep house songs. However, the bouncer at Cartel is sometimes troublesome if you don't know someone, so prepare to run the risk of rejection once again. 

Image Credit: Facebook/Cartel Club Paris

Chez Papillon is a great club for Saturday nights and isn't too difficult to get past the bouncer. The entrance fee is €20 and it come with a drink ticket. Don't forget your ID, they always check no matter what. Check out their Facebook for upcoming events. 

Image Credit: Facebook/Chez Papillon

Le Hobo is a club that doubles as a hookah bar, so it's a great place to hang out with friends before heading to the club. The music is normally hip hop to start and then switches to house music towards the end of the night. 

Image Credit: Facebook/Le Hobo Club Paris

Queen Nightclub normally isn't very selective, making it quite easy to get past the watchdog. You will most likely have to pay a €20 entry fee, but your ticket doubles as a drink. On a good night, you can expect the type of music you can sing along to and some good throwbacks too. It's a good place to go with a group of friends and just dance, especially after a good pregame. 

Image Credit: Facebook/QUEEN Club

Another option that I would like to propose is to break out of your clubbing oriented fixation and go to a bar. But don't go to any bar, go to The Freedom And Firkin Pub.

Image Credit: Bruno Grin

After a failed attempt of trying to get into Titty Twister, my friends and I stumbled upon this bar which is situated right across the street from the club. When we walked in, there were crowds of people dancing and looking like they were having a great time. Friendly bartenders welcomed us into the pub and while the drink prices were most-definitely Champs-Elysées priced (€15+), they were certainly tasty.

The music at The Freedom And Firkin is a wild card because there are a few different DJ's, but I have heard all of them. From a Grease Medley to an incredible remix of Beyoncé's Formation, this bar is the place to go if you want to have a carefree night. With a friendly staff and great drinks, The Freedom Pub should definitely be considered for a fun night without the elitism of Paris nightlife.

After dancing the night away, you'll probably be quite hungry the next day. Click here to discover restaurants that serve traditional French food while creating the essential Parisian dining experience

Written by Francesca Coyne

Francesca Coyne is a communications student from the suburbs of Philadelphia. She is a macaroon in a cookie cutter world.