Thanksgiving: Love the Wine You're With

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How to pair wines with your favorite turkey day dishes.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many of us are gearing up for the annual food-coma. Although the holiday is exclusive to America, and we don't have the day off, a lot of AUP students still decide to celebrate with their friends or with the school at the American Church on Quai d'Orsay. If the only education we get from living in Paris is becoming experts on wine, we will have succeeded. Step up your wine pairing game this Thanksgiving with these tips on how to match staple dishes with the right affordable wine from your local produce market. Disclaimer: if you drink a different glass of wine with every individual dish you are sure to get drunk. Please proceed with caution.

Turkey and Stuffing 

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Turkey and stuffing are the most iconic Thanksgiving dishes. Sophomore President of AUP's Wine Society, Evelyn Slaught, suggests a lighter Pinot Noir or Pinot Grigio (for white wine lovers). Slaught explains that since they are cooked together, they are part of the same taste palette so the Pinots can work for both. Pinot Noir is known for its earthy undertones, so it goes very nicely with both of these dishes. Franprix's 2014 Pinot Noir Bourgogne is an excellent choice. Pinot Grigio is also paired well with foods that have higher fat content, like turkey. 

Cranberry Sauce 

For something tart like cranberry sauce, balance it out with something bubbly. Prosecco, an Italian white wine will sweeten the bitterness of the cranberry sauce. It's also extremely common in grocery stores and relatively affordable. 

Mashed Potatoes 

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For something light and fluffy like mashed potatoes, try a Bordeaux or Sauvignon Blanc. According to Slaught, "Bourdeaux goes well with anything." At this point, you're probably buzzed so continuing the night with a Bordeaux will ensure that you will be drunk before dinner commences. Bordeaux is known for being a much heavier red, and mashed potatoes are typically light and fluffy. Stacy Slinkard, a long time wine connoisseur and writer for The Spruce suggests that Sauvignon Blanc's herbal and mineral undertones pair well with mashed potatoes. 

Pumpkin Pie

Slaught recommends a sparkling rosé or champagne for pumpkin pie, but she notes that it is a bit of a challenge to pair, due to the mix of flavors: the sweet crust and whipped cream, and the spicy, nutty pumpkin flavor. She adds, "the acidity of a sparkling rosé or a French champagne could work really nicely to offset the sweetness." Franprix's sparkling alcohol selection on Saint Dominque next to the register is superb. 

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This Thanksgiving, make sure you and your friends are getting the most flavor from your meal. Refer to these pairing strategies above to have your best (and most belligerent) Thanksgiving yet. 

Written by Sara Moskowitz

Bostonian turned Parisian. Pre-law student, with a passion for caffeine, cosmopolitans, and getting in political debates with strangers.