Put Down the Tattoo Needle

Tattoo Artist with Needle, Imagine Credit: Instagram
How tattoo parlors are dealing with the Covid-19 Virus.

As we all know, Covid-19 is taking over the world. Store, schools and parks have closed, emphasizing the importance of social distancing. Tattoo stores in particular are getting hit hard by the lack of business because they thrive on costumers who come in spontaneously in hopes of a new permanent “accessory.” Many tattoo parlors, as popular as they are for thousands of people, had to shut down due to health reasons concerning Covid-19. Some shops were willing to stay open until they health departments stepped in, but others, like Leelee Couture, of Red Elk Tattoo said, “we handle people as closely as nurses and medical people do. We knew if we stayed open we risked spreading this virus. Not just to us, [but to] other people, our families.” Prior to Covid-19, tattoo shops were constantly wiping down the space and machines to prevent infected tattoos.

Although a majority of businesses have closed, there still remains a few. For instance, tattoo shops in Phoenix, Arizona remain open, but are taking multiple precautions. They are stocked with hundreds of masks, hand sanitizers, and various other components to keep their artists, customers, and shop as safe as possible. They are also as shutting down walk-ins. Iconic Tattoo & Piercing owner, Hollis Cantrell, is fully booked with sessions. He has clients who put down hundreds of dollars for a deposit, and wants to honor the commitment the client has taken to get their beautiful tattoo. However, if anyone comes in feeling unwell, whether during the pandemic, or in general, not during a pandemic season, they will be sent home. Being sick while getting a tattoo is terrible for your health and now with the Covid-19 virus, no one wants to infect the rest of the shop.

Nobody needs a tattoo here and now. If a customer has put down a deposit, they will, at the right time, be able to get the tattoo. It is always better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with people’s skin, blood, and needles during a global pandemic. This virus will pass. Until then, put down the tattoo gun, stay home, and stay healthy.

Written by Alicia Blum

From Manhattan, NYC.  Born in Samara, Russia.  Graduated with a fine arts degree from Goucher College and interested in visual merchandising and body art in the fashion industry.