Meet Young Fashion Journalist Sydney Sadick

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Sydney Sadick talks about how she fell in love with fashion and her experiences as a blogger and journalist.

She may only be 24, but Sydney Sadick is conquering the world of fashion journalism. Having graduated from The George Washington University in 2016, she runs a successful blog, has interviewed countless celebrities and designers, and attended events such as the Met Gala and several fashion weeks around the world. Currently, she is an editor at The Daily Front Row. I had the opportunity to discuss her experience in the fashion industry and as a journalist. Here’s what she had to say.  

What was your first experience with fashion? How did it impact you?

Fashion has been a part of my life before I was even born—it’s generational in my family. My grandmother was huge into fashion, wearing the best of every designer. My mom is also a fashionista herself—I’ve seen pictures of her wearing heels while pregnant with me—so it’s in my DNA. Ever since I was little I’d play dress up in my mom and grandmother’s closets. I was wearing little heels by the time I was 5. I realized quickly that clothes and accessories weren’t just things I put on my body, but something that I had a passion for and wanted to pursue in one way or the other professionally.

What made you decide to go into fashion journalism? Did you always know this is what you wanted to do?

Going into my junior year of high school, I had never spent time away from home—no sleep away camp, no teen tours...I’ve always been a homebody. My mom finally said it was enough, and she had me apply to Harvard Summer School. I got in and decided to take two college-level journalism courses. As part of an assignment, I had to start a blog. When thinking of a topic, it came quickly to me that it was going to be about fashion, so that was when Style Solutions, my blog, was born.

How did you first become involved in the industry?

I first got into the industry because of my blog. My blog was not just a place for me to post outfit pictures like your typical fashion blogger, but I conducted interviews with celebrities, designers, stylists, etc, ranging from Rihanna and Rachel Zoe to Carmen Electra to Sam Edelman to Nicole Miller…it’s an extensive list. My summer after Harvard, I got an internship—my first—with the Daily Front Row, the New York Fashion Week publication and their Hamptons magazine spin-off, The Daily Summer. I’m currently the associate editor there today. That internship is what really got me connected to the industry—I was covering NYFW when I was 16, going to every hot event in NYC and writing for a website and print publication.

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What are some struggles you have faced getting in and being in fashion journalism? How have you dealt with them?

I didn’t have challenges getting in—it was seamless. But now, as you become more known as an individual while you’re working for a company, it doesn’t always go over well—there’s a fear you get too big. Also when you work at a company for almost 8 years and new people come in, you don’t always get along with them. So it’s less industry problems but more the struggle of being somewhere for a long time and you’re evolving more than some people want you to.

What has been your most rewarding experience as a fashion journalist? Why was it the most rewarding?

Not only do I love writing, but my passion is being on-camera and talking all-things fashion. In the past two years, I’ve become an on-air fashion expert for NBC, Fox, ABC Chicago, Amazon, and have collaborated with Samsung and Forbes. I’m a people person, and I feel being on camera gets me to connect with people on a much more larger scale. Video is where journalism is headed, and just being able to be on TV to show what I love to do in my early 20s is extremely rewarding.

How would you describe the atmosphere of working in fashion journalism/as a journalist in general?

It depends on where you work! And it changes! My office is usually super calm, but we had someone new start and the atmosphere is…different. It’s intense in general in that you have tight deadlines and have to constantly be thinking of content. It’s not just about execution, but it’s about everything that goes into that final product. It’s a balancing act. Also, with my job I’m out almost every night, so the atmosphere exists 24/7.

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How did you become involved with Daily Front Row? What is your role there?

See above. In my role I write the majority of the website and specifically write a lot of the celebrity content. I cover events ranging from the Met Ball to the CFDA awards and more. I write big feature stories in our NYFW and Hamptons print editions. It’s a small company and I wear a lot of hats.

What other media outlets have you worked with and what were your roles? Do you have a favorite? If so, which one and why?

I interned for Rachel Zoe in their digital media department and O, the Oprah magazine in marketing to get a feel of both sides of the business (editorial and publishing). I used to blog for The Huffington Post. I’m really enjoying my role on TV shows right now.

Do you have any advice/tips for young journalists trying to find their way and make a name for themselves in the industry?

I’m not going to lie—it’s hard right now. Many former interns of mine constantly ask me what to do because they just don’t see jobs, and I get it. It’s frustrating—every couple of weeks there are layoffs, most recently Vanity Fair and Glamour. I think it’s about making yourself the brand. Don’t just rely on the publication—find your niche, know what you’re good at. It’s kind of like when you apply to college—you just can’t have good grades, you need to have that spark. And with getting a job, it’s the same thing. Also, network, network, network!

Who do you look up to the most in the fashion industry and why?

It’s a common question but it’s one I never can really answer. The only person in this world who I honestly look up to is my mom, who’s my mentor. I trust her judgement more than anyone I know.

Where do you see the future of fashion going?

I’m not a psychic of course, but less retail, more online, in terms of journalism more videos, less magazines. Probably less fashion shows, to be honest. I think we’re all asking ourselves this question!  

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You can keep up with Sydney’s reporting on the fashion industry on her website and follow her on Instagram and Twitter!

Written by Cristina Mendoza

Cristina is a senior majoring in Journalism. Born in Miami and raised in D.C. Caffeine addict and avocado enthusiast.