The Jypsy Lifestyle

Image Courtesy of Jypsy Jeyfree
The exploration of artistry through color, through the eyes of Jypsy Jeyfree.

If one had an image in their mind of of ‘black girl magic’, the visual wouldn’t look too far off from Jypsy Jeyfree. Jeyfree is a multidisciplinary artist living in Brooklyn, New York . She is not only visually pleasing – her hustle to the top has been one of a true artist.

“I am a multifaceted teaching artist who refuses to settle creatively. I have hustled every piece of my creativity. From working as nanny and mentor for the past couple of years to freelancing for a couple of cosmetic lines, selling my reclaimed accessories at pop up events, selling my paintings, styling local talent, hosting, and singing in different projects, art directing with Atlas Obscura ,  and trying to make sense of it all. I recently realized that all of my avenues I hustled has become my brand " Jyspyland is " a lifestyle for creative polymath dreamers alike. I am about to launch website soon .” The story of Jypsy Jeyfree is more of a how-to guide on how to make it as an artist in the concrete jungle. You have to willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams, even if the path is not always clear.

Jypsy Jeyfree has become a style icon online with her unique sartorial choices and ensemble pairings. For many people online, she is seen as the epitome of a “new black” movement where people of color do not have to abide by the confines of societal standards. Jeyfree says, “My style is a mix of vintage bohemia filled with tons of mix and match prints. If I could choose one piece of clothing that represents me in a whole I will say its my reclaimed kimono that I added tassels and different color tulle on.”

Courtesy of Jypsy Jeyfree Instagram 

To Jeyfree, fashion is not just about the clothes, it is a lifestyle that is connected to everything that she does. The connection to her clothes and her music are inseparable.  “My style of dressing defines who I am naturally. I love everything vintage just like I LOVE MY MUSIC. I believe a woman should dress how she feels. I am a advocate for antique everything, including lifestyle choice, wardrobe and even what I listen to.” Taking one look at Jeyfree, it wouldn’t be hard to argue that she abides by her life motto of vintage everything, because the way she draws your eye makes you believe she is from a different planet, one far more sophisticated than ours.

Young artists of color like Jypsy Jeyfree have found themselves paving the way for a new type of liberation movement for young people of color. With so many pressures on people of color, artists like Jeyfree are allowing these young people to find places of solitude they never could have imagined before. The contributions from these artists are breaking leftover chains there ancestors weren’t able to shake but are also adding great things to the culture. “I am contributing by choosing narratives that bring social awareness , explore the freedom of individuality and third eye consciousness.”

Courtesy of Jypsy Jeyfree Instagram 

This message has been explored in her new EP, “Letters to Humanity.” The EP has bold lyrics that push the idea of revolution. “I am not  afraid of using my voice to fight back. My new music is for the dreamers who understand nothing is impossible.” In the EP, she explores topics like our current political climate. She speaks directly to President Trump – asking ‘if he cares?’ She also speaks to society, asking them to fight with her in her quest for equality and expressional freedom. Jypsy has pulled from her life experiences and her journey of finding herself to create one of the truest sounds of music in the industry at this point in time.

While being a music and style icon, Jeyfree has also found herself to be a person that is breaking boundaries with her hairstyles. The connection between black women and their hair is a discussion as old as time. When looking at Jeyfree, you can see she has been able to break a lot of stereotypes of black hair, while also creating a new genre for black women and their hair.

“All my hairstyles have truly allowed me to learn more about myself. Ok, I know that sounds a bit crazy, but truthfully speaking, my hair definitely allows me a space to be as theatrical as I want to be. I have one of those old spirits and my hair definitely is about the whole image.” The freedom that Jeyfree explores with her hair gives a different caricature for black woven that has rarely been seen. Jypsy uses her hair as a crown to put herself in her rightful place, as the queen she is.

Courtesy of Jypsy Jeyfree Instagram 

Having women of color like Jypsy Jeyfree allows for young black girls to have a role model, seeing that there multiple avenues of success open to them. Jypsee has shown “girls of color that it is okay to express yourself and its okay to expand on all your ideas courageously.” While her aesthetic maybe be flawless, Jeyfree hasn’t had it easy with her journey to artistry, saying, “The life of an artist is pain, suffering, feeling, learning, joy, discovering, witnessing, believing, fighting, imagining, exploring and most importantly, the life of an artist is letting go. It’s the release of the all mighty VOICE!

There is so much more Jypsy Jeyfree is destined to do, and we are so excited to see the evolution of the shine of her star. The light that Jeyfree has shown in this world will never go out. Even when she is gone, “They will say and when the curtain closed all her moody, colorful and whimsical footprints are still left behind.” The colors that Jeyfree has left behind will color the skies forever.

Written by Michelah Desnai

 Michelah is currently a Masters student at The American University of Paris. She currently has a Bachelors degree in Communications with a concentration in Broadcast Journalism and a double minor in Music and Digital Media. Originally from Mars, Michelah enjoys the strange and unusual and if you can catch her you'll find her trying not to run into doors on her many daily adventures.