Finals Week Explained By Project Runway

Image Credit: Holly Shuffett
"Remember, channel your inner winner" -Tim Gunn

As I am sitting in my apartment, pulling an all-nighter I began to think about the process in which each student goes through before finals week. The motions of having a mental breakdown to then telling yourself "C's Get Degrees" while running on 10 cups of coffee is just half of what goes on. What better way to explain these feelings other than Project Runway, the reality fashion series based on stress. 


Walking into the library ready to conquer finals week.

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And then suddenly realizing it's your first time opening your overpriced textbook that still has the price tag stuck to the back.

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After a long smoke break you "deserved" You return to your seat in the library to attempt studying again.

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 You then get distracted and decide to walk around the library telling friends and classmates "how stressed you are" instead of actually studying 

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Friend Facebook messages you about new Vogue article... "don't open that"

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You're now scanning the library Still searching for that motivation.

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Congrats, You now have procrastinated until the last minute and realize you only have a couple of hours to teach yourself an entire semester's worth of work.

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But it's okay because you like living life on the edge.

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It's now exam time: You walk into the classroom and suddenly the nerves, sleep deprivation, and caffeine hit you all at once.

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Professor hands out the exam and you take a look at the first question.

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Then realize this is serious and that the exam is 30% of your grade. 

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As you turn in your exam, you're left with so many questions.

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But it's okay because now you can wave goodbye to the semester!

Image Credit: GIPHY
Written by Lauren Madrigal


A 20 year old American girl exploring Paris, France & traveling the world