The Dressing Room Diaries

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4 tips every girl needs on how to conquer any fitting room

Don’t let the excitement women have for clothing fool you. Shopping trips are not only scary for men, women are frightened too - thanks to those scary things we call dressing rooms. Changing rooms remind me of a tiny insect coffin that will turn your mood ring from yellow to black in a blink of an eye.

One thing to in keep in mind while shopping is to brace yourself for the dressing room. My changing room experiences can be calculated as being hot, stressed, tired and wanting to cuddle with a large carton of chocolate chip ice cream.

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Yet, they’re an unfortunate shopping necessity, that has to be conquered.

Grab what you need the first time around.

While shopping you have to think about how many trips to the dressing room you are willing to take. For me the answer will always be one! That goal is so vital because then I am sure to grab everything needed before I wait in the long line to the dressing room. Usually stores have a limit of what you can try on but I have a game plan for situations like that.

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Grab a friend to be a part of your fan club

As I lugged all 23 of my items to the dressing room, I grabbed my friend and told her to sit and wait. Although we know the dressing room turns into a fashion show with the other shoppers who give you a look of affirmation if it’s a perfect match; friends are essential. They will be honest and help you save a fortune. My friends usually say “Aalyiah, can you live without it?” and that is what helps me make the final cut!


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Wear clothing that’s easily changeable

Shopping is like getting ready for war, you need the right tactics to win. In order to win this war be sure to wear clothes that will be easy to change from. There is nothing worse than having on layers of clothes in a changing room. My go to shopping outfit always consist of loose fitted jeans or sweat pants, a button up and gym shoes with Velcro closings. The easiest ensemble to put together for a shopping trip.

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Enjoy the mirror

As a professional shopper I have to take  breaks. Usually those breaks occur in the fitting room. Each time I try on something different I admire myself especially because of the lighting. After I get myself together from the continuous hassle of changing, I pull out my camera and take a pic! Fitting rooms are not meant to be all bad, I guess that’s what the perfect lighting is for; to remind us of how beautiful we are.


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Written by Aalyiah Heath


A fashion-forward Global Communications graduate student with a keen love for writing!

“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”

-Os​car Wilde