Beauty and the Bean: Coffee, Skincare & Aesthetic

Innisfree Cafe in South Korea has taken beauty beyond the physical.

Caffeine and aesthetics - who would have thought fashion and food would meet? Sound and taste are no longer excluded from beauty thanks to Innisfree Cafe. Known as the first, original South Korean all-natural brand, and is one of the few Korean brands that use organic ingredients.

The mission is to engage all five senses of the customer by simply adding a cafe component. This lovely new trend is one of my favorites. As a self-proclaimed K-beauty junkie the chance to spend an evening in the Innisfree world is a dream. No more living vicariously through online shopping!

Upon entering the store one finds themselves biting off more than just an average trip to the beauty shop. You're greeted with Innisfree's fresh trademark pallet of green, brown and white. 

A new element of experience was created thanks to their affordable beauty products and picturesque cafes. The open space is well lit and inviting to anyone passing by. While it doesn't immediately scream skincare or coffee, the aesthetics are vividly impressive.


Alongside their rows of healing products, the cafe adds another layer of wellness to the Innisfree message. This message is promoted through the natural health image and idea of "healing music," offered on the website. Other locations began incorporating the beauty cafe as well due to positive response to the first cafe.


Innisfree cafes offer delicious drinks and treats that catch the eye with their bright, yet Earth tone colors. After being exposed to its' aura, you will quickly find yourself hooked and yearning to spend more money .

The beauty cafe offers a space of discourse and artistic taste. The cycle of idea exchange, leisure, and products is a mirror to the early political cafes. It is no surprise that the reaction was highly positive. 

The company has taken advantage of Instagram, by promoting through their customers. They create a beautiful environment and reward those who post - indirectly promote - the company. 

Innisfree's campaign of the natural, healthy and refreshing shows up in all of their marketing from the website, to the Instagram, and of course, commercials. They feature long expanses of open land and color which then shows up in their packaging, as well as the cafe decor. 

Beauty cafes are expanding to other companies such as Skinfood, and Oh My Cream. Many brands are realizing the genius of enticing customers through feelings, while creating a space to experience beauty in a nontraditional way.

In an increasingly fast pace world, it is time to slow down and engage all of our senses to enjoy the moment. 

Written by Sydney Zorbas

You learn something new everyday.