The World at the Tip of Your Tongue

Image credit: Keilimei Trahan
AUP's annual world's fair was festive, educating, and tasty.

The annual world's fair this past Saturday at AUP gave students a chance to represent their home culture and to learn about new cultures. Countries from five of the seven continents were present. From South Korea to Spain, and from Senegal to Mexico, all 18 countries had festively dressed student representatives and awesome food.  

"Its a great way to celebrate our multiculturalism and break the ice amongst each other with the universal language of good gastronomy and great alcohol!" enthused Mario Lopez, AUP student and this year's coordinator.

Each country delivered a buffet of traditional foods, access to which could be bought for one ticket, which cost €1 each for students. Jamaica made the most money, and I could taste why. They served Pilau, Beef Patties, Rice and Peas, but the tangy, sweet hibiscus juice, called Sorrel was the best seller by far.  

Check out PTV's video by Stephan Eigenmann below: