Wine O'Clock with AUP's Wine Society

But really, when is it ever not time to drink at AUP?

Over 50 students attended AUP’s student-run Wine Society as the club held their first Welcome Back tasting of the Fall semester. Two new club presidents had their debut while giving a presentation on the club goals and how to decipher wine labels. Held in a Combes classroom, the club meeting began with a small turnout that quickly picked up once word got around that Wine Society was meeting in the building. There were two wines offered that evening and some snacks that paired with them accordingly.

Evelyn Slaught and Jenny Voutcheva giving a brief presentation to students. Image Credit: Sarah Mahgoub

The classroom was filled quickly with students rushing in around 6:30 pm and filling in the desks ready for the presentation to begin. Inpatient and ready for the wine to be served, everyone rushed quickly and eventually formed a long line to wait for their turn once the presenters were finished.

From what I could see, it was a mix of students who genuinely care about wine culture or signed up for the club prior and then, of course, a bunch of strays who came up from the Amex for free alcohol.

This year co-presidents are Sophomore Evelyn Slaught and Senior Cody Campbell who both new to being club presidents are not new to the society or the wine drinking scene. While some students have shared the mutual sentiment that the society was reserved for wine “connoisseurs” only, it is more so for those with an appreciation for wine culture, an interest in learning more about it or frankly, those who just come for the free vino. 

Slaught hopes that this year they can reach a larger audience within the student body and make it an open and fun environment. She views being a co-president as “an opportunity to build on the work already being made. Wine Society was inactive for three years and then revived, and [she] felt a certain responsibility to continue it - out of personal love for wine culture and for the benefit of the student body. “ She didn’t really know what to expect for the turnout after Clubs Night was held, as often many sign up but typically do not all show-up but it was quite busy with students waiting in a long line for the tasting to begin. As there were many people and space was tight with the desks, it may have been more efficient to pre-pour the glasses so the line could move more quickly and lessen the frustration of some who were too dramatic about having to wait. While this was just a welcome back tasting surely once the club is set up, there will be more detail to the wine selection and culture as a whole.

A student serving wine to students. Image Credit: Sarah Mahgoub

If you are interested in Wine Society or want to see when you can attend their next event, you can follow all updates here on their Facebook page. 

Written by Sarah Mahgoub

Thrift queen, social justice advocate and third culture kid. Speaks English, Arabic and French. Bay Area native in Paris full-time. #blacklivesmatter #Sudaniya