"Voter Registration Deadline Approaching" says US Department of State

Image Credit: Wikimedia/Hynek Moravec
You must be registered to vote by early October if you are voting from overseas. Here's how to do it, and how AUP can help:

From the time this article is published, Americans only have about two weeks (depending on your state) to enroll before registration closes - and once it does, no one living abroad will be able to participate in this election. There are three different ways you can cast your vote: individual mail-in ballot, embassy drop-off, and SGA's registration service in Combes. 

To find out when registration closes for your state, click on this link, then click on your state. 

Individual Mail-In Ballot

Go to the Federal Post Card Application website and follow the directions from this article to register through a mail-in ballot. The article was in reference to the Primary Elections, but the process is identical. 

Embassy Drop-Off

It is still necessary to complete the Federal Post Card Application and request an electronic delivery of your ballot. Once you receive, complete and submit your forms to the nearest US embassy or consulate, your ballot will be mailed free of charge. 

The US embassy in Paris gives the following information on embassy-drop offs:

"U.S. citizens may drop off, sealed voting materials in postage-paid envelopes addressed to the relevant local election officials in the United States.  Use the official postage-paid envelopes provided by your election official, or use the online templates. Processing time for materials to reach the U.S. postal system is generally one to two weeks. Drop off your envelope at the Consular Section of the Embassy in Paris, any business day between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., 4 Avenue Gabriel, 75008 Paris."

The normal transit time from the embassy to the United States is 20 days, so it is imperative that you go to the embassy no later than October 18th — and don't forget to bring your passport!

Student Government Association Mailbox on Campus

This year, SGA is hosting a service on campus to help students register as quickly as possible and fulfill their civic duties. "They will provide a free mail service, helping you prepare your registration or ballot request, and taking charge of mailing them before upcoming deadlines." AUP President Celeste Schenck said in an email to students.

Student Council President Sarah Harper-Johnston elaborated: "We will have this mailbox set up from now until November 8th. You can come up at any time, take an envelope for free, and put it in our locked mailbox - we will then ship it out free of charge to the USA."

SGA is providing this service to streamline the voting process for students because it is imperative that every American citizen votes in this upcoming election. 

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