A Trip to Giverny

Image Credit: Wikimedia commons
This beautiful village will surely leave an impression on you.

If you are an incoming student, joining AUP for the first time, you will be fascinated by what AUP is offering you. Located at the gateway to Normandy, 75 km from Paris, the village of Giverny (pronounced Jee-va-nyee) is located on the right bank of the River Seine, at its confluence with one of the two branches of the River Epte lined with willows and poplars. October 7th marks the day when you are invited to take a trip with your student advisor to visit this magnificent place for only €20.  

Image Credit: Flickr/Andrea Gordon

Giverny is known to be the home of the famous artist and painter Claude Monet.  The city's documents say that the city rose to fame in 1883 when Claude Monet discovered the village while looking out of the train window (the line has since closed down). Monet was enthusiastic about the spot. He found a large house to rent, "the Press House." By the end of April, he had moved in with Alice Hoschedé, his lady-friend, his two sons and her six children. The house was a farmhouse with a vegetable garden and an orchard of over one hectare. 

This trip will include a visit to his house and his two gardens, and the Impressionism museum which includes paintings by different artists.

Image Credit: Flickr/Herbert Frei

The trip is lead by Kevin Fore, the dean of student development, and as mentioned before, will take place on October 7th. Starting at 9:15 AM until approximately 6:00 PM. It will be a roundtrip by bus, provided by AUP, it will take the students from Paris and bring them back. Here is a detailed schedule of the trip: 

09h15              Meet at 31 avenue Bosquet
09h30              Bus departs for Giverny
11h00              Monet gardens & home at the Foundation Monet
12h30              Free time for lunch and visit of town          
14h30              Guided visit of Museum of American Art
16h30              Take bus back to Paris
18h00              Arrive 31 avenue Bosquet


You can sign up for this trip by clicking here. The deadline for signing up is October second. Unfortunately, this trip is designed only for new students and student advisors; but if you are interested in going there, talk to Kevin (he might be able to give you advice on getting a cheap ticket!). He's located on the third floor of Combes. Keep in mind that lunch is not included so bring some cash along or pack your own lunch and don't forget to be prompt for the bus!

Written by Anabel Bachour


Majoring in journalism and psychology | 

Speaker of Arabic, English, French,  y muy muy poco español. 

أنا الدمشقيُّ لو شرّحتمُ جسدي, لسـالَ منهُ عناقيـدٌ وتفـّاحُ