Top 5 Reasons Studying Abroad in Paris will Change your Life

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Pack your bags, dig up your passport, jump on airplane, and get ready to explore a new culture!

1.) Expanding Your Horizon with Travel

Studying abroad in Paris gives you the opportunity to easily jump on trains, planes and buses! Take a quick weekend trip to Belgium, London, Spain, Italy, etc. Being young and exploring the world is the best thing you can do for yourself before getting tied down with jobs and responsibilities! 

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2.) The Opportunity to Learn a New Language and Culture  

Learning another language not only allows you dive into the Parisian culture but also opens doors to job opportunities that can allow you to move to different parts of France! The French culture also takes Sunday very seriously, closing up shops, enjoying friends and family, making it fun to grab brunch and go for a walk on the Champ de Mars!

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3.) Café Culture

After class, going to a Café nearby for a quick coffee or glass of wine becomes the daily routine of the social scene! You learn to enjoy sipping slowly and taking it all in like the French, instead of eating on the go.

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4.) Friends from Around the World 

Studying abroad makes it exciting to make friends from different parts of the world. Open your perspective on different cultures, languages and religions! They become life long friends after all your crazy adventures of missing trains or getting lost in another country with you!

5.) Art surrounds you in Paris 

Living in Paris, you appreciate art everywhere you go! Whether its walking on Pont Alexandre III or passing Musée d'Orsay on your way to school, you develop a new found love for art!

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Living in Paris is more than just the Eiffel Tower and crêpes! It's a stunning place that allows you to grow with the culture, taking in all the beauty that surrounds you. Eating a fresh warm baguette for a Euro will change you and you will never look at bread the same! There is always something to do in Paris, whether its exploring cafés in different arrondissements or Sunday afternoon museum visits followed with a picnic on the Seine. You will forever love Paris and make it your second home!


Written by Lauren Madrigal


A 20 year old American girl exploring Paris, France & traveling the world