Ten Tips for AUP Students on How to Find Housing in Paris

Independent room for students
Things you need to know in order to find the right accommodation in Paris.

Finding the right place to live in Paris is usually associated with problems. Starting with the colossal amount of paperwork, unfriendly landlords, and the lack of apartments, students face various obstacles before they find suitable housing. These problems are reduced for AUP students, as the housing office is really helpful in finding the right accommodations. Even though the housing office helps students find housing, there are many important issues that students need to consider before making their final decision.



Here are ten tips for the AUP students who plan to find accommodations through the housing office of AUP:


1.       Know your priorities.

You should at least know what your priorities are: whether it is the size of an apartment, location, price, etc. Before going to the housing office you should have a clear idea of what type of a housing you are looking for.

2.       Frequently check the AUP housing database (https://www.aup.edu/housing/property).

It is crucial to know how to look for the apartment by yourself. The database has a filter that can be adjusted to your preferences. The database is updated and new announcements are added quite frequently; however, the good deals are taken quickly.

3.       Contact the housing office and ask for an appointment.

After choosing several options from the database you should go to the housing office, where someone will arrange a meeting with the landlord. You are able to see one apartment a day, so make sure you have your options listed according to preference.

4.       Have a visit with landlord.

This when you meet the landlord and see the apartment. Make sure that you are very attentive during the visit and observe every detail of the place. Always ask questions, take photos, and make sure that it is the right fit for you. Observe the surrounding territory, neighbors, yard, etc. If you do not speak French and your landlord does not speak English, communication will be difficult, so try to prepare some questions before the visit.

5.       Make a decision.

After the visit you have 24hours to decide whether the apartment is the right fit for you. Make sure that you consider every condition and make the right decision. The small details like the absence of important utensils, thin walls, a small bathroom, and others, may make your living experience in Paris a complete disaster.

6.       Fill out the “Etat des Lieux” form.

After you decide on an apartment there are many papers that you need to fill out and sign. Make sure that you go through the apartment and carefully fill out the “Etat des Lieux[1]” form. It is important to observe every detail and to fill it out with your landlord. Your landlord should agree on what you write. If anything is broken or damaged in the apartment you should definitely note it on the form.

7.       Sign the contract.

It is crucial that you read the contract carefully before signing it. If the contract is in French and you do not understand what is written, ask your landlord for the translated version. The contracts may include some tricky elements; make sure you understand all the conditions before signing.

8.       Pay the security deposit.

Usually, the landlords ask you to pay the security deposit of one month’s rent. The security deposit is for the landlords to have some money in case the apartment is damaged after you move out.  The landlords will fill the moving-out form with you and compare it with the “Etat des Lieux” form. If some things are missing or are in a poor condition, the landlord has a right to take money from your deposit. Unfortunately, there are many landlords who take money from the deposit for no reason. Some landlords ask for a one-time payment along the security deposit. These one-time payments usually range from 80-350 Euros.

9.       Pay your rent.

Make sure that you sign the rent receipt with your landlord every time you do the monthly payment.

10.     Update your records at housing office.

After renting the apartment, collect all of your documents and go to the housing office. It is important that they keep and frequently update your records.


If you follow these steps the whole process of finding the right place to live in Paris will not seem so difficult anymore. If you are systematic and a well-organized person, you will most likely find the right apartment with a nice landlord. Life is much better when you have a comfortable place to live in Paris!



Written by Nutsa Melitauri

Nutsa Melitauri is a senior student at AUP, majoring in Global Communications with a minor in International Journalism.