The SGA Transition

The Undergraduate Student Government of the academic year 2017 - 2018.Image Credit: SGA
Introducing the new SGA members for next year.

With the end of the semester in sight, the Student Government Association (SGA) is prepping the newest members for their executive positions. Every year the AUP student body elects their SGA executives for the next academic year. This year the elections were mainly straightforward, yet the competition that was present was fierce and sparked up a lot of additional concerns regarding the way the student body is run. By 17:00 on Friday, March 30, 2018, the results were official and the new SGA team was confirmed.

The role that might be most "behind the scenes" of all of the SGA is the Treasurer. The role currently held by the Nebi Dzhabrailova will be taken over by upcoming Senior, Jonathan Morales. In the next few weeks, the two of them will be working closely together. Nebi will explain the budget requests, the weekly meetings with the Dean of Student Development, Kevin Fore, and the Treasurer's role regarding Coup de Pouce. Next year, it will be Jonathan who will present all requests made by clubs during the weekly senate meetings.

The new social director Alfio Lococo (left) and next year's treasurer Jonathan Morales (right). Image Credit: Leona Caanen

Your back-to-school party next semester will no longer be organized by Annamaria Deganutti, but instead by Alfio Lococo. Known to most as Fio, he will also be known as the SGA's Social Director next year. Besides organizing the welcome back event, Fio will also be organizing the International Student Soirée; two of the most popular events every year. Fio will take over well-established connections that Annamaria has made, as well as establish new ones with outside venues and guests outside of AUP are invited to his future events.

Staying on the social aspect of the undergraduate SGA, our newest communications director is Sophia Foerster, who will be taking over for Elizabeth Nguyen Son. With the bar set high for the social media content Elizabeth has posted throughout the last two semesters, Sophia is ready for the job, with her photography and editing skills. Besides posting photos and updates on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, Sophia will also continue the weekly email updates, which help the AUP student body to know what is going on.

Current Vice-President Jasmine Paul and future Vice-President Chiara Amor working together at an AUP Auction. Image Credit: SGA

One of the most work-intense jobs of the undergraduate SGA will be taken on by Chiara Amor, who will be taking over Jasmine Paul's role of Vice-President. Chiara, who is currently the Psychology Senator, is familiar with the structure of the AUP Senate, but next year will be sitting on the opposite side of the circle. Jasmine will be explaining the procedures of voting, organizing the agenda, and ensuring all senators and the students they represent are heard. The vice-president also spends a lot of time communicating with many individuals on campus, and over the next few weeks, Jasmine will be introducing Chiara to all of her contacts. Chiara will become responsible for ensuring that senators are up to date and actively participating.

Future executives Jonathan Morales (front left), Quinn Chesser (back left, on drums), and Alfio Lococo (front right, guitar) support USC Social Director Annamaria Deganutti's event: International Student Soirée. Image Credit: SGA

The head of the new undergraduate SGA is Quinn Chesser, who will be taking over for Amelia Harvey. Besides supporting all AUP events, the President must also establish a vision for the executive team and what they hope to achieve while occupying their executive positions. Quinn will be working closely with the Graduate SGA president, Emily Ide. Taking over from current Graduate President, Will Bisbee, Emily will eagerly be waiting for the election of the rest of her team.

Besides continuing the continuous push for bettering the every-day experience of the student body, prepare for a much more musical semester; all of our new executives are musically talented. Alfio, Jonathan, and Quinn, also run AMP, the AUP Music and Performing Club, so Prepare yourself for an interactive and musical semester!

Written by Leona Caanen

20 years-old with an international mindset. Leona Caanen is the Freelance-editor of the Peacock. Caanen loves to travel and is always looking for new adventures.