The SGA Beat - February 21st

The Student Senate met Wednesday in Combes Room 105 for their fifth session of the semester. These sessions are opportunities for senators to hear about activities and events going on on campus and for clubs to present their budget proposals for approval.
The meeting kicked off by poking fun at Marc Montheard, AUP’s Vice President for Student Services and Security, and celebrating his birthday with a short satirical presentation of ways to note the occasion, such as a paintball outing.
Senators prepared for an upcoming visit by Sonya Stephens, who will speak with the group next Wednesday. According to Montheard at last week’s session, Stephens will be visiting as part of the creation of her five-year strategic plan for AUP.
Anne-Laure Jaudry, one of AUP’s Health Office Coordinators, also presented to the Senate about the functions of the office. She reiterated that the office is there to help students find doctors, submit insurance claims, and generally navigate the French healthcare system. The office, which is located on the fifth floor of Combes, also offers menstrual and sexual health products for free to students.

She also gave to members of the Senate anti-roofie cup lids, which are supposed to stretch around cups at bars to prevent strangers from slipping unwanted drugs into drinks. She said these lids had been given to incoming students in the Fall and Spring semesters and asked for feedback about their effectiveness.
With midterms in full swing, Undergraduate Vice President Ariana P. advised senators to send out emails to their constituents with tips on stress relief and advice about campus resources such as tutoring on the fourth floor of the Quai building.
In a final announcement during the open forum at the end of the session, executives of SGA encouraged undergraduate representatives to attend the Majors Fair, hosted on Thursday, Feb. 22, at 6:30 p.m. SGA executives said that the event is being cohosted by the Junior representatives and the Sophomore Mentoring Program, and all underclassmen are encouraged to attend.
In back-to-back unanimous votes, the senate appointed an enthusiastic Ebba S. to chair the Merchandise Committee and an eager Anishka P. to chair the Events Committee.

Nicole H. and Sarita F., representing Adventure Club, proposed their budget of €394, which would pay for the group to attend a rock climbing gym and other hiking-related supplies. The request was granted in a unanimous vote.
Archer B., a representative for Chess Mates, AUP’s chess club, requested €750 for the Spring 2024 semester. That sum would pay for cash prizes for the mini-tournaments held by the club, who meet on the 5th floor of the Quai building on Thursdays from 5-6 p.m. The requested sum would also pay for the cost of the guest speaker fee for prominent chess player Kevin Brody and an end-of-semester celebratory dinner. A debate was proposed after the Chess Mates representative presented his budget, which quickly turned lively.
The representative for the club answered questions about their request from senators who said that, for a technically free hobby, the cash prizes for each mini-tournament were excessive. During a debate extended twice, senators also said they would be more inclined to pay for Chess Mates to attend a professional tournament instead of hosting a pricey dinner in the 7th arrondissement. Ultimately, the Senate voted to allocate €540 to the club, a €210 cut from their initial proposal.
TEDxAUP representatives presented their budget proposal for €2000. This semester's event, which will take place on March 23rd, will use that sum to pay for cocktails and light refreshments. Budget proposals over €1500 must wait a week before they can be voted on, so TEDxAUP’s budget proposal will be put to vote next week.
GenSex requested €558 to cover events, which primarily include mixers. This semester, that sum will cover a film screening of Bottoms and pronoun pins. Questions fielded by the GenSex representative uncovered that condoms are only cost-free for people a Carte Vitale. The motion passed, and the club was granted its total budgetary request.