Podcast Master Class at AUP

Image Credit: CreativeLive
Come Learn How to Make your Own Podcast Next Wednesday

A medium that was once a niche has become a way for even legacy media organizations to get their side of the story out into the world. Podcasting has taken off in the last couple of years. With 700,000 active podcasts and over 29 million episodes across streaming platforms, they don't seem to be going away any time soon. Next Wednesday, journalist, Katie Lee, will be coming to AUP to give a masterclass on the process of creating your own. 

AUP has a long history of active student press. With an online news platform, multiple magazines and a video journalism initiative, AUP has a robust media environment. However, in an era where podcasting is growing increasingly more important, there has been a push for more audio centered reporting. Building off last year's podcast masterclass, this semester's class will be instructed by a seasoned professional. 

The director of the journalism department, Jurgen Hecker, recognized the popularity of podcasts among students as well as the new necessity of understanding audio technologies and decided to bring in Katy Lee. Lee is a journalist at Agence France Presse and the creator and co-host of the popular podcast The Europeans. "She has a big audience and a lot of attention right now. She is, in the true sense of the word, a professional podcaster," Hecker explains. 

The class will run from 1:45 to 4:45 on the first floor of Combes. Lee will be covering a wide range of topics, from what makes podcasting so effective to narrative storyboarding to editing. "Anyone involved or interested in digital media should come--- even if you are just a fan of podcasts, this could give you an insight into how they are made," Hecker says. The class is open to everyone and seats will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Written by Lauren Williams

Writer for the Peacock Plume and current Editor-in-Chief of Peacock Magazine. Interested in words and art of all forms.