Pass the Tech: Donate Old Laptops Today

Photo Credit: Raw Pixel, Shutterstock
An AUP initiative to aid students in Kenya

Do you have a spare laptop gathering dust at home in the off chance something happens to your current model? Consider that your old device could truly change a life in hands of those who do not have the access to technology that we take for granted.

Pass the Tech is a new club at AUP that is collecting laptops for students in Mombasa, Kenya in collaboration with the Hatua Likoni organization. The Hatua team established the only operational library in Likoni, a district of 200,000 people, and exists to educate and empower youth through scholarships and community programs. With the guidance of AUP alumni Franklin C. Craig and Roger Hobby, as well as professor Tanya Elder, Pass the Tech has the goal of collecting 100 laptop computers per year to be placed in the hands of high school graduates in Kenya who are progressing with their education at the university level. Currently, they only need 40 more laptops to achieve this.

The Hatua Likoni library in Kenya. Photo Credit: Hatua Likoni

Eligible laptops are from 2009 or newer, can power on, have a charger, and no large defects such as a cracked screen. If you are concerned about anything awkward that may exist on your hard drive, do not fret, it will be seen to that the computers will be wiped clean before they're sent overseas. Additionally, the computers will be installed with a new operating system.

Students enjoying the Hatua Likoni library in Kenya. Photo Credit: Hatua Likoni

Pass the Tech will be hosting an event on Dec. 1 at AUP in Room 103 of the Combes building in order to collect laptops from the AUP community and raising awareness for the project as it continues to grow. Alcohol will be served. Prepare to enjoy a performance from guest musician, G-Rongi Mokorino, a rapper from Kenya.

Pass the Tech will accept donations in the form of cash, credit, and soon via Kickstarter in order to ease the costs of shipping and accessorizing and repairing the computers. If you would like to get involved in this project as it continues to unfold in future semesters, your presence will be greatly appreciated. There will be monthly meetings and collection events throughout the Spring semester as well as a presence during the Spring club's night. The computers that Pass the Tech is gathering will be an invaluable asset to their recipients in Kenya, granting them access new opportunities and limitless information.

To learn more about Hatua Likoni, watch the video below.

Written by Daniel Catalan
Originally from Sleepy Hollow, New York, Daniel spent 4 years teaching English in Madrid, Spain before relocating to Paris, France to study in the Masters in Global Communications program at AUP.