My Thank You Note to AUP

Image Credit: Lillian Wagner
As three and a half years here are coming to an end, it is time to thank AUP.

As my three and a half years at the American University of Paris come to an end, I wanted to write a small thank you note. No, this isn’t going to be a post you would see in the Odyssey; I’m not thanking my second cousin's step-dog. I wanted to thank AUP for 10 things in particular:

1. Thank you for a Part of my Education

The American University of Paris won’t just give you an education: it will give a base for learning for the rest of your life. I came to a very subtle realization in three and a half years, that education is not a goal—it is something that you will constantly be growing, challenging, and discovering. With professors who listen to understand and not to hear, I found myself challenged in more ways than one. To some professors though, those 30-page papers were over the top, let’s just all agree on that.

2. Thank you for Friends that became Family

My best friend in the world and I met when we were thrown together into a Comforts of Home room on day one. Even though she doesn't remain at AUP, this university was what brought us together. For all the people that dealt with my merde and still consider themselves my friend: thank you. When one goes 5747 kilometers away from home at the fresh age 18, it isn’t easy. My AUP friends became my family in Paris and gave me a rock to rely on.

3. Thank you for Giving me a Voice

Platforms such as the student media and journalism classes gave me a voice. My sarcasm and curiosity were used for good—WHO KNEW?! I felt accepted for who I truly am and who I want to be. I was able to challenge the status-quo and people’s thoughts, and hopefully, made a few people laugh.

4. Thank you for Countless events with wine, cheese & champagne

No need for explaining. Let’s just say that events at AUP will not disappoint in terms of hors-d'oeuvres.

5. Thank you for my French

The passive smoker part of this isn’t my favourite, but the language, the way I dress, and how I present myself all have to do with the French part. It is socially acceptable to wear the colour that matches my soul each day: black. I found the great pleasure in the café-clope time and spending hours on a café terrace with friends. Thanks for the ability to trick people into thinking I’m French; being  American, that’s the best thing I could do. They say that each language you speak is another soul you inherit, and putain, I love my French soul.

6. Thank you for Unreliable Administration, WiFi, etc.

Thanks to the American University of Paris for treading the line of France and America in terms of business. I learned patience, which you can ask my mom, I did not have before. In the end, everything would work out, but the journey was frustrating. Unreliable WiFi taught me that working from home was better anyway.

7. Thank you, Patient Professors

Thank you for dealing with me; by no means was I an easy student—yet you persisted and taught me the most valuable information which I will carry with me always. If you were upset about my absences, please direct all questions, comments, and concerns to Tambra Wagner (my mother.) Often we met around Europe to spend time together—but as you all know, most learning happens outside of the classroom.

8. Thank you for Improved Leadership Abilities

Becoming an editor for the Plume, working as a marketing director for the Peacock Magazine and planning various events helped me to become a more defined leader. I learned to compromise with people rather than following only my vision. I learned how to navigate French business through various roles which is, quite frankly, one of the best skills I’ve acquired. Learning to manage a team of international people was a skill I will transfer to many positions after university.

9. Thank you for opportunities

From various speakers at events, class trips, study-trip opportunities and professors, AUP gives international opportunities incomparable to any other university. Just sitting in a classroom, there can be up to 25 different nationalities represented and as many languages spoken. As someone going into the international business world, I feel prepared. I was blessed to make friends from various nationalities and thankful for all the connections formed across the globe.

10. Thank you for your skills in time management

Just kidding, I wrote this article an hour before class.

All in all, I will miss my AUP family as I venture into the business world next semester, I cannot wait to see you all at graduation in May... and maybe, just maybe, I’ll stop by the Amex a few times for a café-clope with some of my favourite people in Paris.

Written by Lillian Wagner

Lillian is a travel addict, entrepreneur, student and above all else a wine lover. Considering herself a world citizen; Lillian spends most of her time traveling France and Europe. If my mom is reading this, yes, I am studying...occasionally.