The Magazine Must Go On

Roaches Cover Spring 2020
The Spring 2020 Roaches Cover. Image credit: Lydia Wiernik
AUP Students Continue to Publish Proudly Despite Lockdown

This past Thursday, AUP's literary arts magazine Paris / Atlantic launched its Spring 2020 edition in a Zoom celebration. Its latest addition features beautifully crafted narratives and stunning images from AUP students. It is available online for the time being, on issuu. Despite the challenge of students being scattered across the globe in wildly different timezones, it is not the only AUP student publication to be made available this semester.

Paris / Atlantic Cover Spring 2020

The Paris / Atlantic Spring 2020 Cover. Image credit: Paris / Atlantic via Issuu

Roaches, the campus' Gender and Sexuality Studies magazine, will be available on issuu on May 8th, just after finals are over. For now, you can access the Fall edition here. Roaches Deputy Editor Lydia Wiernik says that the team has "decided to publish the issue online for the time being. When our printer reopens in the fall, we plan to have physical copies."

Whether you're looking for something to read post-semester or waiting to have the print copy in hand, Roaches Spring 2020 has something to offer every reader. Of this edition, Wiernik boasts "essays, visual art, poetry, and photography. It's such a fun issue!" Like the Paris / Atlantic, Roaches plans to have a launch party that students can attend: "Whether it's over Zoom or early next semester, we want to celebrate the talented authors and artists of our latest issue."

Roaches Cover Spring 2020

Roaches Spring 2020 Cover. Image credit: Lydia Wiernik

The Peacock Magazine, sister publication to our own Peacock Plume, is also going to print this semester. Editors of the magazine particularly wanted to move forward despite challenges this semester to produce a special turn-of-the-decade issue, reflecting on the 2010s and imagining what the 2020s will look like.

This semester, the Peacock Magazine will be made available through issuu and accessible through the Peacock Plume website, which you are on right now, as it is every semester in normal circumstances. Many students will remember being able to pick up an issue of the current Peacock magazine at most campus buildings.

While we will have to wait until fall, students will still be able to access a limited print run of the magazine once back on the AUP campus. In this semester's edition, Peacock readers can look forward to student-written issues on everything from the music of the 2010s to the social movements that have seemed to dominate the attention of Millennials and Generation Z alike.

Illustration from the Spring 2020 Peacock Magazine


Illustration from the Spring 2020 Peacock Magazine

Sneak-peek visuals from the Spring 2020 Peacock Magazine! Image credit: Peacock Magazine

Hibou Magazine, of the History, Law, and Society major, was not able to be reached for comment at this time. However, they are still one of our beloved campus publications and we highly recommend reading the interesting articles posted on their website.

Despite unusual circumstances, AUP student writers and artists can be proud of the work that is being published this semester. Overcoming physical distance, time differences, as well as collaborating on intercultural teams to move these publications to fruition is no small feat. On behalf of AUP Student Media, to all the creators behind these works, congratulations and thank you for your hard work.

Maddi strives to put most of her energy into environmental justice, immigrant rights, and the eradication of global poverty. If the world were easier, she'd like to spend her life frolicking through the forest. At present, she is a student at the American University of Paris, and can often be seen shamelessly sporting socks and sandals in the fashion capital of the world. Oh yeah, and she writes sometimes.