Expand Your Consciousness (And Social Life) at AUP Events

Image Credit: Flickr/Hernán Piñera
Free Food, Booze, And You Might Actually Enjoy Yourself.

You’re running very late and look at that it just started pouring rain so forget about the metro god forbid you slip with those really slippery floors they have down there, I mean what are they thinking. You know that when you take your umbrella and drink wine without a doubt you end up loosing it and it is a nice umbrella, I mean it's really nice so that’s out. You have three places you need to be in that exact moment and for some reason you are still in your closet wondering what to wear, are you the only one that is truly intimidated by whatever Paris Fashion Week we are in? AUP’s Event is definitely the last one you want to go to, you don’t know anyone and that girl from your Political Com class might be there. Still you said you would write the piece so at least showing up is a must. Finally you arrive and see that there is free booze and snacks, ok we are off to a good start and you can hang around a while and then sneak out.

Yet there’s that one girl you do actually know, you talk to her in the hope of not looking like the creepy psychopath in the corner nobody knows yet is somehow always there. Lillian is nice, nicer than you remember, normally you would accredit that to the glass of wine she was holding but this time you don’t. The people she is talking to are quite interesting, of course someone spoke of the American election which you must admit is quite fascinating to analyze, everyone knows that conspiracy theories are great at parties as long as you don't take it too far. That one girl from the Peacock Magazine actually knows how to hold up a more than decent conversation about television and even though you disagree with some of her opinions on American Horror Story, that is actually what gives that conversation a bit of spark. That guy Ali actually remembers your paper on the LGTB community in Mexico and has some follow up questions, you wish you would have been more prepared to answer yet it is delightful to interact with other humans going through the whole “know thyself” phase in college.

All of the sudden you don’t want the evening to end. You find a way to talk about film and many of your interests with people you never thought you would meet, all over the exceedingly loud electronic music you always thought you hated so much (you actually do). By the time you walk downstairs to smoke a cigarette, you find more people, one guy is surprisingly smoking a clove cigarette, the ones that taste like Christmas and bring you so many fond memories. He gives you one, bless his soul. The rain does not stop and somehow that is wonderful instead of a bother, everyone is leaving and all you can think is, you wish you hadn’t been late. 



Written by Teresa Segovia

Teresa is a Mexican exploring Paris through her studies, she loves film, photography, music, & literature. In her free time, you will find her at museum exhibits.