Discover the Thrill of Working for an NPO or NGO

Picture from the event
AUP Alumna Kriti Sharm and Development Director Valerie Lombard spoke about Human Rights Watch

On October 1st, Valerie Lombard and AUP alumna Kriti Sharma from the Paris Bureau of Human Rights Watch gave a talk at AUP,  encouraging students to consider careers in the nonprofit sector. They detailed the stimulating work they do at Human Rights Watch, a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization for universal human rights and justice. Sharma said that being in the field and engaging with local people and their government isn't easy, but is worth it for the improvements that can be brought to the country.

Sharma and Lombard pointed out a few essential skills needed for this line of work: Language skills (perfecting French is essential if you want to work in France, obviously), a strong level of dedication, good adaptability and some professional experience. To gain that, try to get an internship while you are at the university.

They also emphasized that patience is key. In fact, making an impact on human rights only happens after long periods of work and research. Working for HRW will have you face the reality of the world.

Left: Valerie Lombard  Right: Kriti Sharma

Ms. Lombard started her career in the field of advertising and marketing but shifted to the field of human rights to contribute to a better world through her work. She is now working as the Director of Outreach and Advancement of HRW in Paris. 

Ms. Sharma was already determined to work in the field of human rights from when she was a student at AUP. She obtained her master's degree at the Cambridge University and worked for several organizations, before joining HRW as a reseracher in disability rights. She recently published a report on abuse against females with pychosocial or intellectual disabilities in Indian institutions entitled “Treated Worse Than Animals.

The inspirational speech highlighted the benefits of working for an NGO and showed the success of one of our own alumni.

Written by Yuri Jong