Clubs' Night Review

Whatever your interest, whether it's art, sports, music, culture, fashion or even learning a new language, you were guaranteed to find a club that was just right for you. 

It's 6 PM on Tuesday and on the first floor of the Combes building SGA is setting up for Clubs' and Speech night. Within 30 minutes the previously bland room is filled with tables arranged to leave space in the center for people to socialize. At the top of the room a table displays an assortment of snacks including bread, various kinds of cheese, biscuits, fruits, and refreshments. As curious AUP students start to arrive to the event, the snack table is naturally one of the first tables approached, but around the room tables are filled with various student clubs.

Image Credit: Mimi Camara

Each club has one or two representatives and each table is decorated with flyers for its designated club. Whatever your interest, whether it is art, sports, music, culture, fashion or even learning a new language, you are guaranteed to find a club that is just right for you. Clubs from previous semesters such as Inspire Africa, Culture and Diversity, Gender and Sexuality, Lost in Frenchlation, The Rainbow Body club and many others were present at the club fair.

Image Credit: Mimi Camara

This semester a few new clubs were also at clubs' night, such as Open Your Eyes to Paris, a club made for those who want to explore Paris and get out of the comforts of their arrondissement. The club meets on campus and as a group they visit museums and see more of what Paris has to offer. It's a perfect opportunity to see sights and meet other members of the AUP community. 

Image Credit: Mimi Camara

Pangea Tongue is a club created for those who are feeling inspired and want to learn another language such as Spanish and Italian or if you simply want to perfect your French. The club also offers various other languages and meets once a week. Through conversation with peers one can learn how to learn various languages in a non-formal setting. So, don't worry, it will not feel like you are taking another course. 

Half way through the event speeches were given by the candidates for Graduate Student Council (GSC) President, Vice President, and Junior Representative. Will Bisbee, the first to give a speech was the only candidate for GSC President, nevertheless, he gave a great speech and charmed the crowed. Katelyn McGarr, the second to give a speech, was also the only candidate for GSC VP. Although admitting to a fear of public speaking she gave a strong and engaging speech. Leona Caanen, one of the two candidates for Junior representative, gave a thrilling speech and showed school pride with her involvement in AUP affairs. Lauren O'Farrel, the last to give a speech, and also running for Junior Representative, gave an eloquent speech and ended the night. 

Image Credit: Mimi Camara 

As the night started winding down and the snacks diminished, clubs' and speech night was another successful AUP event. If you didn't get a chance to make it Tuesday night, don't fret you still have time to join clubs. Keep your eye out for events that you'd be interested in or follow the clubs on social media such as Facebook to see upcoming events. Involvement in clubs and sports are an opportunity to get a sense of community while exploring your interest in the numerous choices available. 

Image Credit: Mimi Camara

"If you're passionate about something and you want to do something for that cause, you should find the club that allows you to do so or create your own club and find people with the same values, that will make you a team, and make change in some kind of community," said Nebi Dzhabrailova, the SGA Treasurer.

Written by Moumi Camara

22, living in Paris. I'm a journalism major.

"Claim it, Speak it into existence, pray on it & it's yours."