Christmas Bazaar: Fundraiser for Syrian Children

Image Credit: Souria Houria Official
Get in the spirit of giving by attending The Christmas Bazaar this weekend.

This weekend, December 9th and 10th, indulge in some holiday spirit while helping some children in need. Le Maltais Rouge is hosting an event goes from 11 am to 8 pm, complete with free entry, free food, and a free concert. While the famous Christmas market is closed, don't miss out on the holiday spirit of giving and the community at The Christmas Bazaar to raise funds for Syrian refugee education. 

There will be Arabic calligraphy classes and sales, as well as multiple oriental artisanal boutiques aimed to raise money for Syrian refugees, specifically school children. The promo flier from the main organizer, NGO Souria Houria reads 


"Children who are not able to attend school are also collateral victims of the Syrian conflict, due to bombardments, destruction, or occupations of establishments, as well as the lack of teachers and staff needed to provide basic schooling services." 

This event is particularly important to out AUP community, due to the heavy integration and involvement of our very own NGO designed to aid Syrian refugees, Baytna à Vous. One of the most exciting and unique aspects of this open and public event is the concert by Theko and Zeska, which is only on Saturday, December 9th at 7:30 pm. 

All the money that Baytna à Vous and Souria Houria will collect will be donated directly towards funds to teachers and volunteers in Syria to upkeep education, even if informal, as well as school materials and guidelines for an effective teaching curriculum. 

"Our mission in Paris is to respond to the conflict as it changes — and right now that means providing a space for community-building among Syrian families — but as much as we endeavor to help these kids, they help us even more so by sharing their love and excitement," said Baytna à Vous president, Diana Hickox. 

Image from The Christmas Bazaar 2016. Image Credit: SouriaHouria Official

BVSyria actively works with Souria Houria and would greatly appreciate the support of our AUP community. If you're looking for a feel-good escape or break from the chaos of finals, come join the efforts to help abroad right here in Paris! Souria Houria, among fundraisers for education in Syria, also has in its goals to liberate political prisoners or those who have been detained, help the Syrian population without any discrimination, and to spread this helping hand as far out as it can reach. 

Be sure to watch out for further Baytna à Vous events coming next semester, including their annual Valentine's Day candy gram sale and a special video screening. If you're curious to find out more about how to help or join, you can find our AUP's heroic group through Facebook (Baytna A Vous) and Instagram (@bvsyria)

Who: Everyone 

What: Holiday Event— The Christmas Bazaar   

When: Saturday December 9 & 10, 2017 11am to 8pm 

Where: 40 Rue de Malte, 75011 Paris

Why: Support AUP Baytna à Vous to gain funds towards educating Syrian refugee children 

Written by Nina Rines

Russian-American raised in the Washington D.C. suburbs, Nina now lives in Paris, the home of her heart. Having lived in the USA, France, and Italy, Nina enjoys learning new languages and indulging into new cultures while studying Politics, Philosophy, and Economics at AUP.  A traveler, dancer, and a history enthusiast, she hopes to work on a cosmopolitan level to promote cross-cultural and international communications and cooperation.