Bringing TEDx to AUP

Image Credit: Liam Martens/ Unsplash
TEDx is coming to AUP and speaker recruitment is in your hands. Who will you choose to present?

If you have ever wanted to attend a TEDx talk or invite a speaker to a talk, now is your chance.

AUP Senior Jenny Voutcheva and her team are gathering forces with the community in order to implement TEDx events into AUP which are projected to launch on May 25, 2019.

TEDx talks are a platform for people to get their inspiring and innovative ideas into the community and for the community to become more educated on specific topics through public seminar-style discussions; they are a way for specialists and non-specialists to interact and learn from each other.

The TEDx talks will consist of guest speakers from all domains exploring this year's topic of "So what?" from their unique perspective. The question of "So, what?" is geared to address solutions to current, global issues that we know already exist including issues of global warming, the future of arts and science, and gender, racial, ethnic, and other social inequalities.

Jenny, who is a key organizer of the event remarks, "I still have a lot to learn [about organizing the event]. For now, I realized how difficult it is to bring to life a project you have visualized in your head. There are a bunch of obstacles my team and I still have to deal with and face." One of those difficulties is finding speakers to publicly share their stories and sponsors to fund the TEDx events. 

This is where they turn to you: These TEDx events are meant for the student body to enjoy. Therefore, we call upon the AUP community, on behalf of the TEDx team, to submit recommendations of people you would like to see speak. "Regardless of whether someone is a regular person or a rocket scientist they can both come up with great, inspiring ideas to share," says Evgenia. 

If you are interested in inviting a speaker, it is important to note that, "The fascinating thing about TEDx is that there are no requirements for certain professional qualifications of the speakers; the requirements are rather for their ideas. They should be inspiring." Do you know an eco-conscious nutritionist? Invite them to share. How about a psychologist specializing in women's studies? All are welcome.

Image Credit: Edwin Andrade/Unsplash

As these events are geared specifically toward the AUP community and the guest speaker selection is heavily based on students' recommendations, they also call upon the students to help find sponsorships and funding for the events. Sponsors will be given a booth during the events in which they can talk with students during the breaks, so sponsors that could be future employers are ideal. You can help broaden the search for sponsors by encouraging family and parents to be involved and interested in the event.

If you have a speaker or sponsor in mind that you would like to see at these events, contact to submit your recommendation.

Whether you are the listener or the speaker, come and enjoy AUP's first ever TEDx event and come imagine, interact, and inspire. 

Written by Alayna Amrein

Alayna is an 18-year-old American student living in Paris. Her interests include journalism, psychology, travel, and food. Being bilingual in English and French, and an enthusiast of all things French, she hopes to live in France as long as possible, eating as much patisserie française as she can physically consume.