AUP's Thanksgiving Meal Will Make You Feel At Home

Image Credit: Louise Chester
A Hogwarts feast that will leave you wanting more.

Food, drinks, and happiness? What more could you want? This Thursday, November 24th, the American University of Paris is hosting its annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the American Church in Paris. In order to bring everyone together in a wholesome environment and spread the love, AUP invites you to this celebration of thanks. However, before you go, there are a few important things that you should know.

Image Credit: Marc Holdefehr

First, you need to sign up for this event in advance. All you have to do is sign into the AUP website and RSVP to the event (the link is below). If you want to bring a guest, you have to make sure you sign them up as well. There will be plenty of food at the event, but if you could provide a side dish, it would make the night even better. Just don't forget to say what you're bringing on the RSVP form. Second, there will be a security check before you get in, so make sure you and your guests have your IDs with you. They will turn you away if you do not have it. Last but not least, try not to bring huge backpacks or purses because there are not a lot of areas to put them and it will make going through the line longer. 

Image Credit: Marc Holdefehr

If you decide not to go, then you're not only missing out on the free food, but the chance to help out a great cause. Baytna à Vous, also known as "Our Home for You," is a student-led club that focuses on helping Syrian refugees coming into France. One of the main goals of the club is to raise awareness on the refugee crisis, and to provide them with their basic needs. Throughout the night, Baytna à Vous will be accepting donations to help fundraise for this important cause. Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for what we have, but it is also a time to think about those who are struggling. AUP hopes to see you there, and if you want to volunteer and help out in any way, you are definitely more than welcome to. 

What: AUP Thanksgiving Feast

When: November 24, 2016 - 19:00 to 21:30

Where: The American Church - 65 Quai d'Orsay 75007 Paris France


Written by Zipporah Alcaraz

Zipporah Alcaraz is freshman at the American University of Paris. She plans to major in Global Communications, and possibly minor in Journalism. Making her way through the streets speaking broken French, you can find her either exploring the city or eating delicious food that comes her way.