AUP's First Town Hall

Image Credit: Unsplash
Voice your opinion and bring change to AUP - welcome one, welcome all!

On Tuesday, October 10th at 18:30 in C104, the Student Government will be hosting a Town Hall. Undergraduate Vice President, Jasmine Paul, came up with this idea at the end of last year when Senators felt as if there needed to be "a more open forum to discuss general concerns outside of Senate." Philosophy representative, Marly Philips-Nicol, and Comparative Literature representative, Danica Cortez, are helping Paul lead the meeting. They hope to include all Senators and clubs around the school if they are interested in it. To get the meeting going, Elena Berg and AUP Green (Maryam Touimi Benjalloun) will update everyone on the progress with water fountains.

As of right now, there is no clear choice on whether or not faculty or staff will be invited. The concern is that students will not feel comfortable expressing their concerns if they feel as if they are not in a judgment-free zone. The issue with not having administration there is that they will be the people to answer a lot of these questions. Paul described this as "the opportunity cost, but we hope to gather as much information for students ahead of time and after the Town Hall."

The week leading up to the event, look for SGA members in the Combes Gallery with a whiteboard and post-it notes asking you want you would like to see change at AUP.  To receive a recap of the event or have any questions answered afterward, you must attend because they will be collecting the attendee's emails in order to inform you have any answers, solutions, or if you have any other concerns that you thought of after the meeting.

Who: All students

What: Voicing opinions to Student Government 

When: October 10, 2017, C-104

Where: Combes Building 

Why: Help bring change you want to see to campus

Written by Savannah Hunter

I only ironically say y'all.