AUP Program Lets Students Present Masterpieces at the Louvre

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With 'Les Jeunes Ont La Parole,' Students Share Their Knowledge With VIsitors

How many colleges lets students discuss art at the Louvre? AUP's les Jeunes Ont la Parole (JOP) program gives students a chance to share their knowledge in the world's most popular museum.

AUP sophomore and Art History major Alexandra Gray is discussing art with visitors at the Louvre for the second time, and will being doing it again next semester. She is presenting in English and Italian for tourists visiting the Louvre on the Stèle de Victoire de Naram-Sin, Roi d'Akkad in section Richelieu salle 2 Sb 4. Alexandra is discussing the piece because she studied it last year and wanted to research it further on her own time. She says, "my favorite part is just talking with visitors that are interested in listening to what I have to say. I feel like I am educating them and also giving them an enjoyable evening. It is really fun just to be there at night." She wants to do it again because its a fun way to earn a credit and there are many more works she would like to learn more in depth. 

"It's a really remarkable program and a great idea that the Louvre has because there are so many students in Paris with a love for art."

Image Credit: Lauren Madrigal

Danica Cortez is in her sophomore year double majoring in Comparative Literature and International Economics but has always had a predilection for art and art history. It is her first time taking the class, and usually presents in English or Spanish. Danica is presenting The Young Martyr by Paul Delaroche. "I chose this piece because it's one of my favorites in the Louvre: I stumbled upon it after seeing the Mona Lisa for the first time and it made me stop and think," she says. Danica has met a lot of talented students and would definitely do it again. "My favorite part is asking them how the painting makes them feel -- I always get very interesting and various answers. " 

Image Credit: Maria Rodriguez

Maria Rodriguez is a Sophomore at AUP majoring in International and Comparative Politics.It is her first time presenting at the Louvre. She is presenting on  Rembrandt, Bathsheba Richelieu, 2e étage, salle 31.Maria feels like the course is something that can help you think about something else other than your major, unless you are an art major.  Maria says "Apart from learning so much about my piece, I have had the opportunity to meet new people who have similar interests, and it was a good way to emerge into Parisian and French culture."  Maria presents in English and Spanish. She was one of the last ones to pick a piece so it was more or less assigned to her. She was able to talk to the girls in the following room for a little bit while there weren't as many people walking around, but has gotten closer to the AUP JOP students. "My favorite part is having so much knowledge on an art piece cause it helps me appreciate it and the art form a lot more. Although it doesn't contribute to my major I have enjoyed doing it regardless!"

Come out to Louvre this Friday night and next to see some amazing art presented by AUP students -- hey will give you the deluxe tour in English, French, Italian and Spanish, and admission is free.





Written by Lauren Madrigal


A 20 year old American girl exploring Paris, France & traveling the world